Book Signing @ Travelling Man Sat 4th October 2008 LeedsDimensional Manga is a new publisher from the UK currently in their Pre-launch stage. We have been touring the UK exhibiting at numerous conventions introducing our new concept of Feature Manga. The response so far has been explosive!!!! In 2009 Dimensional Manga will release their first Feature Manga titles – Awakened Soul, Vampire Samurai and Pwanda. During 2008 Pre-launch period, Dimensional Manga pre-released with their Dimensional Saga series, Demon Prince: Children of Gaia. Limited Edition of Vol 1-5 have been pre-released at conventions and limited retail outlets. Dimensional Manga have the pleasure to announce that they will be signing at Travelling Man, Leeds. Limited stock is currently available from Traveling Man. There are only 200 copies of Volume 1 left- so this your chance to get it early and get it signed by the Artist. Dimensional Manga are also introducing an amazing Pre-launch offer where you can buy Vol 1-5 for £20 on the day of the signing. The artist of Demon Prince: Children of Gaia will also be available to give advice to anyone out there who is aspiring to get published. DON'T MISS OUT !!!! See you at Travelling Man Leeds, 4th October. Signing begins at 1pm - 32 Central Rd, Leeds, LS1 6DE (Behind house of Frasier) Visit us online at WWW.DIMENSIONALMANGA.COM |
Manga Zombie
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