Akiba Blog Interviews 07th ExpansionManga Jouhou translates an interview with 07th Expansion, the group responsible for the popular doujin game Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. The original interview came from Akiba Blog's K, who is also a staff from the editorial department of Square Enix's Gan Gan Powered. |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
higurashi no naku koro ni
Hi Im replying here because I wish such a popular game and anime like higurashi were available in united States and Puerto Rico because its really cool also other games like super robot wars were released here in Puerto Rico and USA. Im not asking to translate them because they sound more cool in japanese or like the naruto games that you can change the language.