Infinity Studios, Llc's Website Hosts The Now Online PollFans Have Opportunity to Assist Growing Company in Producing Convention Promotional Items For Hit Title! RICHMOND, CA November 7, 2006 "So, who is your favorite character from NOW?" Is it Ah-Rin or even B i-Ryu? Fans can now assist in creating the look and feel of an industry companies' booth and the swag that is provided at conventions. More information can be found on the company's Just before the fall of the mighty Korean Kingdom of Goguryeo, a lone man roamed the land causing destruction beyond imagine. He unleashed Sa Shin Mu upon the world, a form of martial arts never before seen in this world. When peace suddenly returns to the land, it¹s said that this warrior was killed by none other than his own younger brother, a warrior beyond imagine, rumored to be the first and only one to have mastered Sa Shin Mu. But in the same manner that Sa Shin Mu suddenly swept through the country, this ultimate warrior and all knowledge of his martial art suddenly vanishes! Now, 20 years after the fall of the Goguryeo Kingdom, a new rumor is spreading that a secret manual detailing this legendary martial art has resurfaced. Will Sa Shin Mu once again dictate the fate of this new era? The NOW series (130 mm x 183 mm, 188 pages) is the thrilling action adventure manga sequel to CHUN RHANG YHUR JHUN (CRYJ). With great story flow and cliff hangers, the NOW series is not only drawn by one of Korea's most renown artists, Sung-Woo Park- with over 9 titles under his belt, but is also a top selling Japanese title and the all-time best selling Korean title in Asia (35,000 in print to date with high ranks in TPB sales and popularity rankings in Korea). The NOW poll is located in the Infinity Studios, LLC's website forum area located at: All titles currently receive free USPS shipping on all online orders placed at Discussions on NOW and other fantastic Infinity Studios, LLC offers and products can be found on the internet in the forum area of the Infinity Studios, LLC website located at About Infinity Studios, LLC Headquartered in Richmond, California, Infinity Studios, LLC is a leading worldwide developer and publisher of Asian Graphic Novels. Founded in 2004, Infinity Studios, LLC maintains operations in the U.S., Japan and Korea. More information about Infinity Studios, LLC and its products can be found on the company's World Wide Web site, which is located at |
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