Death Note Connected to Murder in Belgium? is reporting that notes with the message "Watashi wa Kira desu" ("I am Kira") were found near the scene of a murder in southern Brussels last week. According to the report, "local police have launched a murder investigation and that they consider it unlikely that the notes were left there coincidentally [...] Translated versions of "Death Note" are available in Belgium, where the comic is popular among young people." Via: Vertical Weblog |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
I turned most of my
I turned most of my photographic memory into a juke box playing 60's - 80's rock and roll.
OH! I just remembered! when I first found this site I tried websites like to find more info but it didn't exist, but yesterday I tried again and found a websit that wasn't related the deathnote but it seems suspicius to me. I may just be parinoid.
Or you could be on to
Or you could be on to something...
Did you know someone named
Did you know someone named Kira is a belgian singer??
I am seriously pissing off
I am seriously pissing off that true kira guy and his "Disciples"
yeah I know it sounds crazy but there are people that believe their bullshit.
I found out he had a youtube
I found out he had a youtube video,it really had me going until it said to e-mail lik, kittykat92 or something like that then i laughed and said
could you send me the link.
could you send me the link. I might be able to find this guy.
I can't @ the moment but go
I can't @ the moment but go to youtube and search a message from kira by like kira0926 or something like that and you will see them.
In case I die I need somene
In case I die I need somene to keep the name hurricane wolf alive.
Stop acting like a child! You'll be fine!
I am fine and being dead
I am fine and being dead isn't a problem, but being forgotten, now that's a bitch.
THAT is the truth!
THAT is the truth!
This morning at around 4:00 AM, I was doing my sunday morning jog when I saw woman being mugged by a man wearing a baseball cap, I ran down the ally yelling, he saw me and ran away, the woman is fine, her clothing was ripped and she was bruised but nothing was taken, I ask if I should walk hher home but she said, "No, I'm okay", and she walked away. I looked at the wall she was pushed into. I don't know how long I looked at that wall but it felt like forever. "Kira" was written on the wall, it blended in with the other graffitti.
Ooh...well isn't that an
Ooh...well isn't that an interesting tid bit of information.
Before I found out about this case, I had nothing to do with my time...but now I'm learning about it and watching the funny people roleplay as L or Kira or something close.
It's quite amusing actually...
Discussing what you think could solve the case is one thing...but to go so far as to pretend that you're L or that you're K, M, N, or any other letter is just plain stupid. Come to reality people...and realize that you're just playing along with this "kira" person.
Near, V, we have to stop
Near, V, we have to stop this. This Kira thing is gone too far. it won't be long until his followers are ordered to kill anyone who poses as a threat. And that would include us.
Wolf, don't worry, so far the only sign of infection in america is graffitti by punks, further more, it's likley to first show up as a mass murder suicide at a prison.
Also, if I were to be inspired, I'd kill local ciminals and when local police created a task force, I'd find one member of the task force and pull a "raye penber" to gain information on other members and kill them all within 24 hours to improve my chances and to send a message. the message would be "We can not be stopped."
I was being hypothetical
there are only at least 20
there are only at least 20 000 policemen a precinct, the cizizens outnumber them 6 to one. If half of those worhip kira, that is enough to destroy the police force. if the other half does'nt worship kira there would be an all out armegeddon
but the cops would be
but the cops would be strapped as hell!
This is getting dangerous.
This is getting dangerous. All the more interesting.
Near you must live in a crazy part of town!
Now that I think about it... I was at a diner the other day and I saw a guy sitting like L. Although I thought it best not to interact with him.
I actualy started to sit like L to see if it did help like L says it does (it does, so do sweets) so that might have been me, but I do it in public so it might have been either a nut job or a cop who thinks like me.
I'm gonna try it now.
I'm gonna try it now.
True Kira admitted he was fake! ITOLDYASO!!!
Lets go back to the subject, the code I mentioned earlier showed us chapter 84 "coincidence" which tells the story of the deaths around Mikami and how he got the power to kill, I think this show that Mikamis past may resemble MM's, also, if chapter 84 represents this crime, then 85 "Election" represents his next crime, in chapter 85 Takada is elected as Kira's representitive but is also used to kill Mello, it's been over 5 months since the body parts were dumped so I think it's safe to assume that MM has already elected his "Takada"
Why would he need a "Takada"?
he would need someone to
he would need someone to represent him a scut, a messenger, a recruiter, anyone that lets people know who kira is and what is his plans.
Serial killers try to escalate the thrill with each kill so what will MM do with the remaining body parts? dump them at a church, school, police station?
Maybe he's useing the carpool lane.
Ha ha ha
Hello mr. Wolf, mr. V, and mr. Near, my name is Jack T. Ripley (pun intended) and my intrests are rape, murder, and torture. I am impressed by your reasoning skills, espesialy you mr. Near, if I didn't know any better, i'd say you were like me, hee hee. I want to help, not cause i have a sense of justice, no, i'm just a fan of deathnote and find this intresting. I have been diagnosed with anti social personality disorder and can give you three an insight into the dark murdereous soul of people like me.
okk then...umm...are u like a CSI detective cause dude thats ALL what CSI is about....but its cool that you're into that typa stuff....its interesting stuff...
What do you mean by saying
What do you mean by saying you are interested in rape?
Also we've all have insight into the evil side of humans.
By the way don't help if all you want is something to do.
We are serious about stopping MM.
This Kira must be stopped.
This Kira must be stopped.
Hello, mr. V, i know you have an insight to some degree, but not like me, aside from my own problems i am in contacct with friends from my group therapy each with varying degrees of psychoisis, also, my friend could show other psycho view points.
You questioned my interests so let me assure you, i do have restraints, but want an answer for why i have these interest, then i shall explain, i had a childhood that left both phisical and psichological scars, but i don't hate my parents for scaring me, in fact, i thank them for ridding me of the ever so annoying voice called a coinscience.
The way you word that is
The way you word that is really strange. Let me rephrase.
What do you mean by saying you are interested in rape then saying you have restraints and no conscience?
It makes you sound like a serious criminal yourself.
Don't underestimate my understanding of the evil of man.
V-kun, my "restraints" are not for the saftey of others, i just don't want to go back the hellishly boring "dungeon", i spent a few months there when i was 11 after i nearly burned down my house, and as for being a ciminal, i'm 27 and work for the police, i in forensics.
I said dongeon for the drama of it.
You paint the picture lol
You paint the picture lol
Quite Difficult
Well, it seems that we have another Kira case on our hands. Hmm....the one thing I have learned from these Kira types is that, they never learn, but they are very tricky. This one may be quite difficult to solve. Since the police came to no conclusion as to being a murder, or a coincidence. I, for one, do not think that it is pure coincidence. Though, I have a few questions I thought I might share with you all: First of all: Why did the victims names, or profiles not come up during the investigation? Second: Why is Kira leaving notes as evidence, while having the possibility of being caught? Third: How is the case unsolved, though there were two or more peices of evidence they could have gone by? and Fourth: Why are the police questioning if the actions commited were murder or coincidence when it is clear that the victims couldn't have gotten butchered by pure accident?
I have but one message for you Kira, if you are listening,I want you to know that what you are doing, is evil. And if you think you can easily get away with the things you have done, you are dead wrong. I will hunt you down, and put you to death, Kira!! For I am, Justice!!
And for all those who are on the side of Kira, cheering him on to kill all who exsist, you belong in hell for what you are cheering on.
And the ones who are leading people to think you are Kira, let this be a warning to you.
L, Jack, thank you for your help. I think with the addition of you two, we have enough foror own task force, I nominate Wolf as leader and sugjest we use our energy to find and identify the "Takada" that MM (Manga murderer) has elected.
I agree with mr. Near, but while i agreethe mr. Wolf seems to be the smartest of this group but, mr. Near seems to understand mr. MM and I believe that to be more important then intelect, i nominate mr. Near.
Jack. may I request you
Jack. may I request you don't call me "mister"?
We're partners now.
Understood, V-kun, hee hee.
Just wondering, Near.... L, do you mean me...or another person with the same name....????
Just wondering~~~~.
And all the people who think that this matter is something to laugh at should just leave this "forum" and go find a parodic site where you can laugh about the murders that Kira has commited, because those of us who want to bring this person's fun to an end do not want to be disrespected by those who love laughing with Kira, and his possible followers.
If you would do As I Asked... then, those who are with good, may bring this case to a close and expose Kira, his followers, and intentions.
Happy Easter Fellow Detectives~~~! e_--
I would like to wish my fellow detectives a Happy Easter~~~! I am rejoicing because I get candy :)
(> <)o
I am refering to you when L, now that we have that matter settled, I would like to know you nomination for task force leader.
more information
I have found another Kira case. It consists of the murders of criminals in Tokyo,Japan. The criminals are dropping like flies. This whole situation is quite reminisant of the Anime/Manga they are trying to portray.
Strange deaths in Tokyo cause a panic outbreak in Japan.
Several hundreds of people organized a manifestation today in Shibuya in favor of the recent deaths of criminals. The population has been shocked by a recent leak from the police that dozens of yakuza bosses and other criminals have been dying in the last weeks in undetermined circumstances. The Tokyo police department has confirmed the news and said they are investigating alongside CIA specialists. There have been a few dozen of cases reported to the media.
Realitity taking over fiction
The young supports of the deaths have been claiming that someone they call "Kira" is responsible and holds the power of God to punish the criminals in Japan. Local newspapers have reported aditional information leaked from the police which talks about hundreds of deaths across several other countries. The deaths are similar to that of a fictional movie recently released in Japan where criminals were killed by means of a book dropped from heaven by creatures they called God of Death. Fiction or reality, many people are scared they might die over minor or falsely judged crimes..
I am doing more research on both cases and will have more information ready for tomorrow as soon as I possibly can.
Interesting... can you provide a web address so we can learn more?
A friend from group therapy says he pitys mr. MM for "only killing ciminals, wheres the fun?" i say "he daes what feels right, just like any psycho"
I have a feeling that the
I have a feeling that the Japan case is fake.
The first website I saw it on said "Exaggerated" all over it and is exactly the same as all of these newer things that talk about the Japan case.
Oh, arigatou Near~~!
my nomination.......hmm-------
Well...Near seems to have both hands on the wheel in this by a goodamount of thought I nominate Near.
Thank you L, so thats 1 vote for Wolf and 2 for me, my vote still stands for Wolf. Wolf, V, who do you want to lead the Task Force?
crack this code if you can....
rewsna eht ot yek eht si eciov eht
uoy fi modeerf ot rood eht dna
uoy luotnetop yek sti dnatsrednu
erutuf eht ni uoy rof eil yam tahw dnatsrednu
tnem si ti lla live si
gnihtemos ereht si ro ed ot
tuo htiw timoc ew snis dam eht ot erom
dna snamuh su esruc noitome yna
ruo nmad syaw suonoisiop kcis ruo
cinomed ruo esruc straeh dloc
hsiloof neht erom gnihton ruo ew syaw
gnitsucsid era ew snimed
this is a code I found on a site with real evidence of the Kira murders and this was left by the owner of the site...
The voice is the key to the answer
and the dorr to freedom if you
understand its key potentoul you
understand what may lie for you in the future
is evil all it is ment
to de or is there something
more to the mad sins we comit with out
any emotion curse us humans and
our sick poisionous ways damn our
cold hearts curse our demonic
ways we our nothing more then fooling
demins we are discusting
HMM...I've seen this message
HMM...I've seen this message before...
what a lame code.
You simply read it backwards.
Wikipedia lies a bit and leaves a bit....
If you all want to close this case, and the rest of the Kira cases out there don't rely on Wikipedia one hundred percent. Some of the information is given by the public who don't know what they are talking about, and sometimes (this is worse for us) ....they lie. But...most of the information is true but those of us who are opposing Kira desire more information.
P.S Jack....I accidentaly deleted the site history on my computer and I can't find it on google or anywhere without drowning in the multiples of links, sites, and graphics...I apoligize. v.v"
Realization of the Threat...
I just realized...that....the Kira in Belgium isn't much of a threat....because he doesn't truly ow a DEATH-NOTE.....But...the one in Japan....clearly owns a DEATH-NOTE.....and is a threat to people all around the world....and the Kira in a clear threat to any who may be opposing him, and be found....
I think mangoord is
I think mangoord is resposible for the death of the trash bag murderer.
I've gotta vote Wolf, He has
I've gotta vote Wolf,
He has been here the longest and exposed a fake kira just yesterday.
He is the smartest and has come up with the deepest analyzations I've ever seen.
Agreed, so it's two votes for me and two votes for Wolf, so its up to you Wolf.
If you near do it for a good
If you near do it for a good reason not just because you don't wanna sound arrogant.
Either way I'll probably just do what I want.
*If you vote near
*If you vote near
I'm sorry if I sounded arrogant.
You didn't
The message is meant for wolf.
I'll vote myself.
I'll vote myself.
What if they are both kiras? MM's note said "I am the first kira"
So what if there is another in Japan who is the second?
And MM is using Japan Killer to kill?
We COULD have a problem.
But I still stand by the Japan case is fake.
if Jkira is real that would
if Jkira is real that would be the Mikami/Takada.
No, first, we don't even know if this J-Kira is real, second, if this is real then its an inspired kira acting on his/her own, and third, if I was MM, I'd elect a Takada who I could talk to in person.
I've said "IF" Near! Anyway
I've said "IF" Near!
Anyway what I mean is what if the Kiras are in contact and and MM has given Jkira a way to kill for him? MM could have simply been visiting belgium and decided to do a test there but is really native to Japan?After learning the case was being investigated he decided to gave pages to Jkira and has Jkira do his work? But I still stand by my death notes dont exist theory.
.....Even though with the Japanese case....Kira is killing criminals instead of innocents.....BUT.....Murder is still murder....what does everyone think of this..????
Kira is a murderer.
Kira is a murderer.
I don't care about what anyone thinks is right or wrong, i don't mean to be rude, its just that the terms "right" and "wrong" are thrown around so much that many people don't unndderstand them anymore.
Google malfunction
Please!!! Send me some links!!
More Info for Near,Jack,and everyone else
one thing does not tick, it says there are 2 pieces of paper and one says "I am Kira" then what does the second one say? Also a simple mistake in Japenese grammer is says that this person is not Japenese or has no Japenese contact. Now, the possibility of a student prank is unlikely. If this was a sick prank, why would they take the body from a classroom near Sept 28 when the teachers come bak and security is at the highest? If they were to take a body they would take it during the summer where they would hav time to prank friends. Now the body was found and looked "perserved". If you notice Sept is cold in Brussel and and was about 9-13 celicius or 48-56 Farenheit. The body could have had a refrigerator effect. A pshycopath is possible. It could be a pshyco that wanted to get rid of any evidence. One clue is the shorn testicals. Getting a 20-30 yr old body is very hard and would require someone to attract the male into their house. This would require seduction which a woman has, so a woman being the killer is about 62%. There is also a possibility of an alias because is the shorn balls and the severed feet indicate the body might hav been bleeding or had a putrid smell. If it was a 20-30 yr old man that has died he must've been around 120-130lbs or 55-60 kg which would take 2 or more people if the person did not want blood or a stench on him or her and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Also in the wikipedia article it says that the body was found at the tip of the mountain which further helps my theory of an alias. they had to carry a heavy body up a mountain without getting blood or a rotting smell on them so pedestrians will not notice them.
L, both notes said the same thing, also if you look back on the second page at the disscusion between me, V, and Wolf, you'd get a clearer look at the case.
I've read everyone's posts several times and I do think you all have a lot of useful information.....and, just because I've been on this case long enough to become paranoid......that infromation makes all of you suspects. Any of you could be 'Kira'. I am not accusing you of anything here.....I am just using the clues all together to form my own explanation.
Me, Kira, oh stop it, your gonna make me blush. But seriusly, I haven't taken any human lives, but be careful with that paranoia, you may end up joining me in therapy.
dude,it's been like, a day.
dude,it's been like, a day. lol
yeah but I have been here
yeah but I have been here for 6 months.
I find it strange that people are referring to this as the "manga murder".
Now IF and I stress IF the note and the body are related, then the murderer has most likely watched the Death Note anime in Japanese and not read the manga.
In many Japanese accents, "desu" sounds like "dess" because ending vowels are quieted to the point of inaudibility. Now "desu"'s closest equivalent in English is the verb "to be", a very common word in either language. This tells us also that if the killer wrote the note, then he had no knowledge of the Japanese language at the time of the murder.
Judging by the show's DVD release date and taking into account an error of a month or two for TV broadcasts or D2D purchases, there is no way that if the killer saw the anime, he saw it as an official release, meaning that he watched a fansub of the series. Yet, he had no knowledge of the Japanese language which may suggest that he was new to the anime community. Anime clubs would be the primary way one would be introduced to these.
I would like to classify my observations into two groups, the very likely and the simply conjectural so we don't get on any false leads.
-- No knowledge of the Japanese language
-- Saw the anime fansubbed rather than reading the manga
-- Belongs to an anime club that shows fansubs
That is all I can glean from the note.
I would also just like to add that I doubt that a secretive Belgian police organization recruits random people off the internet. They would run the risk of leaking sensitive information to the press.
oooooh Arigatou Again Near-Chan~~~!!
Arigatou Again Near-Chan~~~~!! ^-^ I read it I understand~~~!!
I'm logging off now, date with girfriend.
I think that Mangamoord was
I think that Mangamoord was obsessed with finding the trash bag murderer and had a copy of every thing that had to do with him including the sketch. He finds a person who fits the description and took him out. he left the notes because obviously no one would believe that he as a person killed the trash bag murderer, but they would believe what the media tells them.
I should leave to, I have to take care of a few things.
Lets hear a "hip hip hurrah" for our new leader, Hurricane Wolf!
Wolf, I'll give you the same advise my father always gave me,
Don't Fuck this Up. that advise got me threw pre-school.
Ha ha ha.
But he would have told us he
But he would have told us he killed TK
I need a nap, i'll be back
I need a nap, i'll be back later. I have the permission to adress you as Near-Chan? I have the permission to call you Near-Chan...???~~~~~
I just wanted to know~~~~! e_-
.....My stomach hurts like holy heee-he-he-heck!! =______=
(I am only 11 years old e_~ )
little Information....
Well, this page certainly contains very little information on the case. I have gone around, reading from different news sources.
First of all, the circumstances of the real-life case are not the same as in the show because in the show, Kira made cars hit his victims and made his victims have heart attacks via usage of his Death Note. Since Death Notes are not real, this Belgium "Kira" cannot make those things happen and must stick with actual murder.
Anywho, there have been absolutely no missing persons reports filed. Therefore, they cannot match DNA to a missng person. Plus, at the scene, they found a torso that difinitely belonged to a man, but the two thighs that they found were shaved. This leads me, and some others, to believe that there were two victims, one male and one, or two, female.
Wolf-Sama, Look I solved the Belgium Kira Case!!!!~~~~
The Belgium Kira Case is not of my concern beacause it is just common murder portrayed by a psychopath and his accomplices, it has nothing to do with the DEATH-NOTE except the case may be that the murderers were big fans of DEATH-NOTE, and maybe they were certifiably insane. This case...HAS BEEN SOLVED!!
Then who dun it? ps Hyuk
Then who dun it?
Hyuk hyuk hyuk
just what we need a god of
just what we need a god of death
good morning
Good morning everyone!!!
Did anyone find any more information on the J-Kira yet??? My "Google" is working now so I can search up more sites.
Who beleives that this J-Kira is the real thing and we should dump the MM case, becasue we have concluded that the murderer(s) are big fanse of the Anime/Manga and are probably insane and decided to make their appearance as Kira by killing. There is no connection with the DEATH-NOTE what-so-ever with the exception that they were obsessed.
Any Killing Lately......
Anything new you've found out yet??? I apoligize I-I-I was getting more candy......and my head hurts from eating candy all day yesterday, non-stop last night, and now today... stomach hurts and my body is all cold and jittery-ish and I can't seem to concentrate on one subject....every time I go to search for J-Kira...I end p watching Bleach some-how......
do any of you realize that the more false information you put forth, the further back you set us pros? If you want this guy to actually get caught, give it a rest
Utike you already know me, I
Utike you already know me, I think the reason why there were no murders in belgium since manga murder is because someone has found and Killed the trash bag murderer.
posible lead
If found something you might find intresting.If you wanta know what it is email me at
Hey everyone.
Wolf, as the leader, do you think we should concentrate on identifying MM's Takada, or identifying the trash bag killer who you and I both agree was killed by MM.
Hello, and thank you Utike and Ryuk for your help.
whats yer problem L. upset
whats yer problem L. upset you're not the favoret any more?
Hyuk hyuk hyuk
Sooooooo.......since we are uninterested with the original MM,....then we are taking up the identity of MM's "Takada", and "Mikami", and the J-Kira, and finding out if J-Kira is one of MM's followers???
P.S....I have some funny videos for everyone to watch.......they are about DEATH-NOTE.
They are all hilarious and worth a watch.....I apoligize for dragging your minds from the case....but I thought we all needed a little humor for our minds to spin in a positive direction~~. e.~ enjoy~!
| :<
What the heck are you talking about Ryuk...I wouldn't let such a stupid thing bother me. Stupid Shinigami *ahem* Anyways....I didn't know what to say, and I wanted to see what everyone was thinking. | :< Don't be an Idiot.....
Flustered D:<
i luv apples
i luv apples
L- Aaaaawww....I wanted it to explode
Ryuk(back to Light)- I MADE IT MYSELF!!
Light(laughs)- *chuckles* heh heh heh hmmh mmmh *takes a deep breath in* ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Ryuk(not saying anything but backs away)- WTF?...
I know these few things to be facts about these 'Kira' cases, and they are the following.....
1. The B-Kira is psychotic.
2. The J-Kira is clearly in possession of a DEATH-NOTE.
3. The J-Kira is trying to portray Light Yagami, who also killed criminals, wich in his belief was to create "The ideal world and rule over it as the new 'God'".
4. I can't find much more about both Kira.
5. B-Kira has no idea of the Japanese langauge.
Still...there are things that may be true.....
1. The J-Kira is possibly the B-Kira's follower.
2. The J-Kira and B-Kira may have followers
3. The 'Manga-Murder' was probably a student prank if they had enough time to leave evidence, and claim themselves as one 'Kira'.
And there are things that I know are completely irelevant and untrue.......
1. The B-Kira is not in possession of a DEATH-NOTE.
P.S- Shinigami, it is not your place to say what my emotions are.
I meant to say
The thing is untrue is that....
B-Kira has a DEATH-NOTE.
sorry for the mistake.
Why isn't anyone speaking
Why isn't anyone responding......???/
o_______0 <----Light XD
C_____C <-------L
Hey....I love this show!!
*starts laughing insanely in a normal voice, then my voice gets higher,and then it gets fast, then it goes deeper and slows down, then makes a strange screaming noise, then laughs normally again-* ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!
Ukitake-Taichou~! <3
*ahem* just curious.....who is everyone's favorite BLEACH Taichou??
....mine is Ukitake-Taichou-Chan!! //^//^
I hope he doesn't die in the series *cries because i'm thinking about it*.....but if there was a person to die IT WOULD BE MR. SUPER MAN-BASTARD PANTS D:< (A.K.A Aizen)
I agree with Jack, I stuck wy neck out for you, just go home.
Byuuuuuuuuuuuun......~ e_-.
WOAH!! MY BROTHER GOT OUT OF HAND AND WROTE THAT MEAN MESSAGE!!! T^T .....And it's not my fault i'm a kid interested in murders.....and anime/manga series.....but....if you want me to leave.....then......fine.....i'll be done and deleted from the investigation of this case by tommorow morning....... v.v I am sorry about my brother's behavior on that message.....*sighs sadly*
.....byuuuuuuuuuuun.....I wish you guys luck in your case.....i'll still be checking in the rest of the night.....until I have to go to bed.....then I'll be done living in the shadow of L...... v.v Q.Q T^T
I am soooooo sooo sorry I brought shame and immiturity to this case.....e___-.
stop hyuking ryuk.....mehehe squeeeeeee D;
Mello and Light's luahgs are the same o_______O
Good Morning people
Good Morning people
Greetings detectives.
Greetings detectives. Watashi wa Watari desu.
Why do you keep posting
Why do you keep posting useless crap? The last 10 posts have been completely useless. If you want to help, post infomation about the case. If all you want to do is talk, shut-up and leave us alone.
This is all directed to Lawliet "L" Ryuuzaki
I havn't heard from V or Wolf in a while, hope they're not dead.
Sorry, but, I'll be spending spring break in Miami with my roommate, so in the words of a wise friend, "I've got places to go a people to do".
I am still Here
I am still Here
And who are you?
Um, hello? anyone there?
You sicken me
The idea that youve taken a topic of intellectual discussion and turned it into a role playing session in which you think your L sickens me. that being said i do offer my thoughts on the case. This could purly be a college prank pulled by med students who have access to limbs used for study. Though the bodys that enter a medical school are carefully registered and recorded less attention is payed to body parts that would be taken off for study so it is possible that the body parts could have been stolen from the med school. This is all assuming its a prank though. If this person is serious then id have to think that he is trying to send a message to the police. To think that this kira spelled watashi wa kira desu wrong on accident is wrong. If this person is truly obsessed with the show he would know try and make the most accurate replication of the show he possibly could. If we consider this true then he would access a online translator and use that to find the accurate spellings of these words. So by these deductions he spelled it wrong on purpose. I think that he probably knows a great deal about medicine. The reports tell us that the butchering was done with a great deal of surgical precision. Perhaps a college student with knowledge of surgery. As for kira not living in belgium. This is also most likely true. As he has an unhealthy obsession with the show he would know that the original kira was suspected of being in japan only because that is where the first murder took place. Therefore he would try to kill someone outside of the country he is from. also by this train of thought you can deduce that he also has either a good deal of money or a way to regularly fly such as a flight attendent or a pilot. I am leaning towards the latter. As previously stated the butcherings were done with surgical precision so this may be the work of a doctor. Also the person who sent the immature post claiming to be L should know that stupid people pretending to be smart are truly annoying to those of us who are. That said i dont wish to start an argument please continue to post your thoughts.
Hello mr. J, mr. Near had the same idea as you with the mispelled desu theory, however he seemed to have found and decoded a code which i agree with, also, we also agree that mr. MM and mr. trash bag killer had medical experiance and that mr. MM killed mr. trash bag killer.
Everyone here tends to let
Everyone here tends to let their imagination run wild!
Ever since it happened, alot of stories went around the world, but actually besides that was not a single lead or even remotely going the same direction, and now everyone talking about Worshipping Kira, first of all im 90% sure that the only reason the perpetrator (to commit: to perpetrate a crime) used any direct link to Death Note is to expand the group the cops would start their investigation, for the rest it has nothing to do with it, and we are the living prove that his strategy worked, months later and people still think about it, even going as far as worshipping, something that was SIMPLY a crime, far from flawless and he will be sent to jail for it! Also if someone would get a note like in the show, it wouldn't be 1 that died, it would be atleast 2, 1 try, second suicide, if not that, then alot more.
And that being said, ill
And that being said, ill tell u all that its sickening to see, this discussion website is going to hell, by idiots and yes i can garantee u all that is even though its sad, true, normally i wouldn't do it, but ill tell u directly; Lawliet "L" Ryuuzaki
U are retarted, i don't saying it blunt like this will even remotely change your way of thinking and more important acting, but atleast thats said.
For the rest, i want 'J' to contact me:
And i seriously hope Utike and Wolf to stop posting information on this website, it has no use, and giving info away for free, isn't the best thing either, everyone can go on, anyone worth of mixing in the conversation can be contacted.
Hello, I was checking up on you guys and wanted to say hello to J and N, and thank you for you help, however, until I have good reason to , I refuse to believe that this is simply a crime or a murder, to me, this is bigger, this is a message, a message to the police saying their justice is useless, a message to the world saying to take up arms against the evil of earth, and this message is being resieved, I looked around one day and saw praise for MM and when I saw that man mug the woman I didn't want the police too get him, no, I wanted to hurt him, I wanted to break him, I wanted to taste blood. You may think this is a simple murder, but to some degree, you and everyone here praises MM, it's only natural to seek revenge, but our sociaty relies and a different form of revenge, justice. MM threatens justice which means he threatens sociaty so he must be put down, so I ask you, do you want to take MM down? If so reply "I agree" and state your reason why and if not reply "I disagree" and state why not.
Its not important whether i
Its not important whether i agree with him or not, if he is fighting for Justice, then he should and trust me will go to jail, besides that how is dropping body parts with notes on them sending "a message to the world saying to take up arms against the evil of earth"? The death note from the show, was something that could be controlled without having to do the dirty work yourself, here however i believe this man did enjoy it, because he had no reason for making seperate parts, might be easier to travel with but still, dumping a body can't be that hard, in daylight its a bit harder, which might be the reason they were seperated.
And to fall back on what u said, "a message to the police saying their justice is useless", don't forget that in the show (ofcourse) kira wouldn't have been able to do anything without the cops.
I agree with mr. Near. i've read over everything on this site and i completly agree with everything he has said and i trust him more then anyone else here.
Mr. N, you said that in the show kira only got anything done because of the police but in truth kira would have only gotten things done faster without the police. i know this because i'm a bit of a geek. math is cool! hee hee
In Reply To: Jack
Without any police, he should have been finding criminal names himself, and the first thing Light would do is make someone else do the work for him, thats police, they track minor/big criminals he takes there information, and does his judgement. Without them he wouldn't have been able to go world wide, and would probebly only justify his neighbourhood.
We should stop before the others call us geeks.
In Reply To: Jack
U care? i don't.
By the way; great argument +1
You know mr. N, you're an okay guy, if you tell anyone i said that, i'll kill you till you're dead.
In Reply To: Jack
Give it your best shot, just don't turn around the question, next to that i really hope u were being sarcastic, otherwise ill see u soon.
Computers suck at sarcasm.
I'm checking fan sites in case mr. MM is hard core geek.
Greed and Hate
My problem came from being a young man with a lot of money in Manhattan. As a direct result of my position and perceived good fortune, the word NO did not apply to me. Can I have this suit, this phone, this girl? YES. This drug, this apartment, this deal? YES! This car, this table, this stretch of oceanfront? YES! Could I change the boundaries that define society? Could I create my own set of rules and live by them? YES. YES! Everything but NO! Was I searching all this time for that someone who would finally say NO to me?
My two great motivators are greed and hate.
Everybody wants more. Everybody hates someone. And why do you hate them? More likely than not, it's because they are in your way, or have something you want.
I hate Davis Ferguson.
Davis Ferguson has something I want.
And it's not his wardrobe. In the Midwest, even the Billionaires shop at Today's Man.
Davis Ferguson is in my way.
For now.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Why I hate Davis Ferguson
I hate Davis Ferguson because he mocks my respect for perfection.
And because he is a liar. The image he conveys is one of down home Americana that is as fake as the artificial twang in his Yale educated voice. Though it is obvious that he descends from peasant stock, by the time the Second World War was to commence his family's various enterprises and ill gotten gains made them one of the richest in Pre- Internet America.
Our last meeting, at his insistence, took place at a Denny's restaurant, a chain he doesn't even own. His goal in taking me there was to make me uncomfortable enough so that I might inadvertently reveal why I have been buying up shares in his various corporations.
As he consumed enormous quantities of bright yellow food covered in rivers of maple syrup mopped up with the whitest of bread, I thought at least Elvis had the class to keel over and die after a lifetime of consuming such victuals. This wildebeest had the gall to guffaw in my face, (I detest even the notion of a guffaw), and boast that there is another group interested in his various corporations, and he might just go ahead and meet with them, to teach me a thing or two about how good ???ole boys do things down around his way.
Go ahead, I say to this evolutionary misstep, and keep to myself that this other party reports to me.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Sex and Guilt
It seems that society at large feels the need to attach a certain level of guilt to all sexual activity. The level of guilt varies on a scale dependant on the sexual act in question. In the case of consenting adults who are both married and desirous of procreating, the guilt should be negligible. In the case where one of the participants realizes after the fact that the temptress he has just seduced is a minor, then the guilt level could hover somewhere around enormous.
No, I do not condone this, I am just making a point.
The problem with analysis is that those trained in the art of delving into the confines of another man's psyche often get lost in the depths and lose sight of the fact that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Also, an essential part of sex is the fantasy that is attached to it. While there are no boundaries, there still might be guilt. But guilt must be acknowledged before it can have any effect. I tried to confess once, but no one would listen. I agree with your statement that fantasy doesn't always need to become reality in order to be satisfying.
I do feel, however, that the boundaries of sexual behavior have been significantly expanded by the Internet in an inverse proportion to the anonymity that it provides.
The joke, of course, is that Internet sex is not sex at all, only typing.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Sex sells
Sex sells. Everything.
Does anyone really read "Playboy" for the Jokes? "Hustler" for Larry Flynt's views on politics? Watch "Baywatch" for the story line? No, it's about skin tight bathing suits revealing more the wetter they become, and the grabbing of perfect bodies under the guise of being saved. When was the last time you saw somebody from "Baywatch" in a Merchant-Ivory movie? Howard's Rear End? I don't think so.
The porn videos of the "80's" are not much more revealing than today's HBO. Sex, in the city, and in prison. It's everywhere you look. On your TV. It's all about immediate gratification. And the selling of it.
Gucci. Buy these clothes and have sex with the models. Even the designers are great looking. How many of his customers fantasize about Tom Ford? But does any woman really want a roll in the hay with Yves Saint Laurent? Compared to Bill Blass, Ralph Lauren is Tom Cruise. And how many gays have a thing for Marc Jacobs? Have you noticed how the Vuitton men's line has taken off..
And what about music? It's not a recent phenomenon. From Sinatra, to the Beatles, to Mark McGrath of "Sugar Ray." Girls everywhere scream "Take me! Take me." From suburban mansions to trailer parks, girls everywhere fantasize about the rock star of their dreams. All one has to do is study an emerging market to realize the importance of sex in the marketplace. Latin Media. Ricky Martin or Marc Anthony, who has the better voice or the bigger career? The answer is the better ass.
The "Backstreet Boys," could they be more obvious? And how brilliantly they are managed and marketed. Little girls everywhere bemoan the fact that two of the band's members are engaged, while "I Want it That Way" has become the Gay national anthem.
What I do find greatly ironic, in this "mine's-bigger-and-better-and- hotter" world, is the competition over the cellular phone. In what other category is the winner the one who can boast, "mine's the smallest"?
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Indulging your kids
It is very hard to say no to your child. My parents rarely said it to me. I was told either "yes" or my request was met with a stony silence that I understood to mean "no".
There was not much communication growing up in the Bateman household. As it never existed in the first place, I never missed it.
It just wasn't there.
My son, P.B., always knows how to reach me. He has been Emailing since he was six, and received his first cellular phone at seven. By then, all of his friends already had them.
I am charmed by his innocence. Last month, some friends of his from school flew him down to Palm Beach for the weekend. He came back all excited about how big their plane was and about all the people who were on it. And it had big red letters on the side. A "T," a "W," and an "A." How come the letters on our plane are so small, and why are there are only 12 chairs? And, Jason Berns has a horse so can I have one, too?"
I reminded him that horses made him sneeze. He realized I was correct, so he offered a compromise. "How about if I don't ride him and we just watch him run around?"
His point was well made.
"P.B.'s Prince of Pleasure" sired by the great-grandson of "Secretariat" is favored 3-to-1 to win at this year's Kentucky Derby.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
I awoke with a killer hangover, and was tempted to cancel, but the last thing I needed now was to subject myself to even more of Evelyn's self pity.
The best hangover remedy is as follows: Copious amounts of ice cold spring water followed by a well spiced steak tartar, ground Filet, with capers from Fauchon in Paris, followed by Clamato juice mixed with fresh sections of lemon.
Though I view "Casual Fridays" as an excruciatingly middle class invention, I slip on an ecru Polo cashmere turtleneck over chocolate brown suede pants and matching Bottega Veneta loafers. I finish this off with a Vicuna Zegna Blazer that I had made for me in Rome last season, and a Rose Gold Rolex from the early 1940's that once belonged to Porfirio Rubirosa.
As I plan to head out to the country after lunch, I drive myself to the Carlyle in my cobalt blue Aston Martin Volante, the same color as the one owned by Prince Charles, only mine has the Vantage engine.
I deposit the car with the doorman, who pockets the $50, and announce myself at the front desk. "The Countess is expecting you," I am told and take the elevator to 32, all the while noticing the heavy breathing of the operator who is there more for show than anything else.
The mahogany doors swing open and a rather delicate man of blended ethnicity announces me to Evelyn, Duchess of Risborough, formerly The Princess de Vestota, and before that La Comtesse D'Erlanger, in vintage Mainbocher, lying provocatively on a chaise facing Central Park. He backs his way out of the room, bowing all the while.
"Patrick, I haven't had an orgasm in three years."
"Of course you haven't," I reply, "All of your husbands have been Gay."
She begins to cry, which infuriates me. "I haven't had an orgasm in three hours" I reply. "What's for Lunch?" I ask, and find out as she hurls a Caesar salad at me, garlic croutons littering a floor that once graced a gallery leading to The Hall of Mirrors at Versailles.
"Sorry," I say, "but I can't have any bread because I'm starting Atkins today," and head towards the elevator, saying we must do this again soon, call me when the swelling goes down, no thank you I can get the door myself but you better call housekeeping or someone might slip on an anchovy in there.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
10 things I Hate
I Hate False Hope.
Don't tell me everything will be fine when you know in advance that it won't.
I Hate Bad Service.
You're an Actor, fine. Go sleep with a Producer, and allow a trained professional to filet my Salmon.
I Hate people who refer to themselves in the third person.
It's only acceptable if you're already dead, as in the opening scene of "Sunset Boulevard."
I Hate Davis Ferguson.
I believe I've already touched on that.
I Hate Bad Albee.
Don't bring up your inner demons to share with the others at the table. We really don't care to know if you're afraid of Virginia Woolf. Stay home and freak out. Buy a Chainsaw.
I Hate The Work of Jean Michel Basquiat.
Let's see what he could do sober.
I Hate Politicians Who Comb Over Their Bald Spots.
If you are going to lie about the state of your own head, how can anybody trust anything you have to say about anything important?
I Hate False Modesty.
Why bother?
I Hate Beggars.
They CAN be choosers, like in choose to get a job.
I Hate Not Being Understood.
Do I make myself clear?
I Hate Davis Ferguson.
All right, that's 11.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Taking care of your self
Youth is about two things: Optimism, and Moisture.
Though not nearly as chic as any of the Lauder products, I find that the Kiehl's men's line currently fulfills the bulk of my grooming needs.
For cleansing purposes, though, nothing beats the various cleansers manufactured by Neutrogena.
My shower automatically turns on at a time preset on the control panel to the right of my bed. Also preset is the temperature and the various water jets designed to stimulate the areas of my body most susceptible to stress.
Three times a week I begin the day with a massage by Manfred, who leaves the club only to administer to the needs of an agoraphobic Rockefeller and myself. Everyone else must wait his or her turn for his world-renowned light- tissue Shiatsu.
Anthony from Oscar Blondi cuts my hair very slightly every twelve days. I never look as if I need, or have just had, a haircut.
I train according to a selection of videos prepared by the same orthopedically trained specialist who tones the bodies of the New York Giants, Oscar de la Hoya, and "La Cirque du Soleil." I can't stress enough how important it is to remain limber. I supplement these sessions with a bi-weekly visit from Billy, who, though he now runs "The Chelsea Piers," has kept me as a private client.
Khan, from "Jiva Mukhti" tutors me in Yoga four times a week. Unlike his many devotees who flock to his Lafayette Street studio, I prefer to perfect the "Lying Down Backward Dog" in the privacy of my own home.
And, I usually awake to the song "One Singular Sensation" from "A Chorus Line" as it is the most optimistic song ever written.
And, No, I am Not Gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Real people
I took P.B. to the movies on Sunday. Actually, he took me. He wanted me to enjoy his favorite movie with him, "The Sixth Sense." I think he likes it because the kid is in charge.
I picked him up at The Plaza where he was having brunch with his mother. Ricardo was driving the Black Mercedes Gelandewagen, identical to the one Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tommy Hilfiger have. P.B. likes riding in it because it's high off the ground so he can see everything.
But today, he asked if it would be okay if we just walked up to the Lincoln Square Theaters on 68th Street and Broadway. So I motioned to Ricardo to follow us until P.B. asked would it be okay if Ricardo didn't follow us because people are looking at the car and he didn't really like that, so I said fine and told Ricardo to meet us at the theater. But P.B. asked if it would be okay if Ricardo met us somewhere else in case he ran into some friends and he didn't want to be seen getting into that car. So I said "Well, P.B., what if it begins to rain, what will we do then?" He reached into his pocket and took out these little coins with holes in them and held them up and said "These." He placed one in my hand and I said they were very nice but what country were they from?
"They're bus and subway tokens!" he laughed. "Mom said you never saw one before!" and he continued laughing all the way up Broadway.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
I was awakened by the incessant ringing of the private line on my bedside table.
"Hello?" I answered in that too confident tone one uses to hide the fact that they have just been awakened.
"It's Simone. You must come to the Pierre immediately. I can't say anything more on the phone." He hung up. Within minutes I was in the lobby, announced myself, and was deposited at Simone's private vestibule on the 39th floor.
He answered the door in an Hermes dressing gown over matching silk pants and Velvet Slippers monogrammed with the De Reveney family crest, a Lion looking backwards over crossed swords. He made his way over to an elaborate serving cart covered in crisp white linen, on which lay a Silver Tea Set from the Windsor auction and woven silver baskets brimming with fresh-baked croissants and blueberry muffins, surrounded by silver pots of strawberry preserves and marmalades. He lifted the cover from the Silver Tureen in the center, revealing a rainbow of freshly-sliced fruit, when, suddenly, a look of concern caused his surgically-refined brow to crease.
He turned to me and said, "They have forgotten the Papaya. And by the way, Davis Ferguson is dead. Coffee?"
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
I know
I know what happened to Davis Ferguson. I know everything, because my spies are everywhere, in places great and small. Terry Davis charmed the desk man at the Hampshire House into giving him the key to his father's Penthouse.
The apartment faced Central Park from the 36th floor, as do all front apartments on Central Park South. To the left, lining Central Park West, can be seen the apartments of Calvin Klein, Yoko Ono, Steven Spielberg , and yours truly.
To the right can be seen the even grander Fifth Avenue homes of the surviving Rockefellers, Jean, and others who would rather remain anonymous.
Terry Davis, who lived in Mortal Fear of his father, had taken a Xanax and was smoking a joint as his father entered the living room.
"What are you doing here?" he bellowed to the son he had not seen since their last encounter, which had left Terry devoid of any sense of self-worth and any disposable cash.
"I know about the money! I know all about the Swiss company. It's my money, and you give it to me or I'll swear I'll turn you in!" he screamed right back at his suddenly ashen father, who began to slump into a chair, but missed and crashed through a glass table that was rather dated, shattering it and severing an artery in the process, splashing Terry and his Jil Sander pale tweed suit, and then impaling himself on the wrought iron base that was a bad copy of a Giacometti design anyway.
Terry, being the trooper that he is, immediately fled the apartment, announced to the deskman that his father had fallen and couldn't get up, and ran to the Pierre, and the apartment of Simone De Reveney.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
You must be Jack, I've heard
You must be Jack, I've heard a lot from you, I hope you and your little friends stay out of my way because Mangamoord has given my urges purpose, he has given me hope, and if any of you get in my way, I'll kill you.
Mangamoord is indeed rightious.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
Mind explaining the waisted space above? also what do you mean by "urges"?
That so called "waisted
That so called "waisted space" was meant to gain your attention.
I'll put your mind to rest and say my urges refer to my urge to harm and kill my fellow man (I have not killed anyone) and that Mangamoord is showing that peoplee like me aren't all evil.
Virtually yours,
Patrick Bateman
as u can see,the police
as u can see,the police doesen't specify if the victim was an innocent or had legal problems in his life.But this guy is obviesely a huge fan of this anime and mosly,of yagamy light..wich means,if he continues to kill,he'll murder criminals,(that will get him closer to being Kira )wich since death notes don't exist will be very difficult...but since the crime was commited in belgium,is likely that those are his whereabouts.if there will be other crimes like this one ,but in diffrent countries,it's sure that the assasin is a traveler,or there might be more than one person doing it.But if this guy wanted to be kira,like a god ,he wouldn't share his glory or power with it's unlikely that there is a group of people doing it.we'll just have to wait and see what will happend next.i can't wait.
has annyone noticed that the
has annyone noticed that the police doesen't specify if the victim was an innocent or had legal problems in his life? But this guy is deffently a fan of this anime and mostly,of Yagami Light.wich means,if he were to commit murders ,he would deffently kill criminals,because that would get him even closer to being kira.Since this crime is supposed to be the first one of this kind and it was in belgium,this might mean that theese could be the wheareabouts of the killer,but if there will be other crimes commited this way in several countris,that means that this person is a traveler.It's unlikely that this is a group of people,because no"god of death"would want to share his glory or power with annyone(at least,not for long).we just have to wait and see what will happend next.i'm sure that he would be a traveler,because..lets face it Death Notes don't exist,so he can't possible kill from the least,not by theese means.But frankly,i would really wish a Death Note existed,because i am a supporter of kira
sorry for posting the same
sorry for posting the same kind of comment twice,but wile saving the first one,i closed the window by mistake and i thought it didn't take it.:)
i agree with near about the
i agree with near about the fact that it is unlikely for this to be a prank because i beleve that noone would be stupid enough to risk going to jail ,even if the "victim" were to be dead long ago they thought of doing this,the fact that they cheated the police would be a crime.they wouldn't risk penalties just to send a message to the world that there isn't enough justise made .evribody allready knows that,and this kind of joke wouldn't make the police more i think that this is a true criminal imitating kira,having the same goals as him and the same ideal.
i remember that there has
i remember that there has been 2 notes in witch was written the same thing,only that in diffrent colours.that can only make me think that there are 2 people involved in this who want to make the world know of their existence and as Lawliet said,judjing by the supposed age of the man and his wight ,we know that it takes 2 or more people to carry the body parts without getting dirty.So if that's the case,it's most probably that this is a prank,because the's the point of making a joke,is if somebody laughs with you .besides that,a student wouldn't be confident enough to pool something like this by himself.Since it's been allmoast 6 mounths since this incident has been reported and nothing else happend,i tend to think that this is only a joke.After all,it has been neer a medical school or something like this,so the students had the resources to pool something like this.
another thing that makes me
another thing that makes me say that there are 2 persons involved in thisis that in the anime,there were 2 kiras. the girl and the boy.the girl serving the boy,but that's irrelevant.the thing is that 2 notes sayng"i am kira" were found,written in diffrent colours. just like there were 2 death notes,and 2 killers,as in the message sent was"i am kira" and the other one, "i am kira also,the second kira" .this can only get me to the conclusion that there are 2 that made this happend.wheater it's a crime or a joke,that is not entirely figured out,but like i sayd earlier,i'm guessing it's a prank.
Hello Yagami, I agree there is a reason for two notes but for a different reason then yours, also, I already stated my reason so I'd rather not repeat myself. Sorry, but, I have to go, long story short; met girls in club, got invite to party, told to bring beer, yay me!
i agree that there might be
i agree that there might be a possibility in wich kira could have sent 2 messages:1 -to the police and 2 -the followers.aniway,if he was smart,he'd see the entire world as a possible ally,because there could be some followers even in the police force,who don't think what he's triyng to do is evil.But we can't eliminate any possibility ,since there is nothing to disscredit any of our theoryes.So people,keep in mind that there could be 2 criminals/pranksters or there could be 2 messages sentone for the police and one for the followers.or there might be both
Hello everyone! Sadly, spring break is over :( but but on the dright side, I'm back full time! yay!
Did you miss me?
1) yes it is sad
2) don't you mean "bright" not "dright"?
3) no we didn't miss you
4) maybe your boyfriend mr. wolf did
5) i'm sorry, that was rude and uncalled for (even from a blood thirsty monster like me)
6) oh just come out, its obvious
7) i hope you all can take a joke
You're one to talk Jack! You know what I mean, you're the one who said "Oh V-kun, hee hee hee"(he really did say that! check for your self)
Jack, if you want a word fight, then bring it! Theres a storm a come'in buddy!
It is on!
THATS IT!! you made me do this mr. near.
yo mama's a ho, yo sister's a ho, and yo granny's a ho who makes double cuz she ain't got no teeth!
The storm is allready hear buddy!
My gram gram is no a "ho"!
You are so ugly, that Freddy, Jason, and yo mama were on Muary and after reading the test results Muary said "Jason, you are the father".
What are you two imbiciles talking about? I'm here to defend Mangamoord but it apears you're doing my job for me. I realky was expecting a challenge.
Listen "American Psycho" if
Listen "American Psycho" if hurricane wolf wasn't missing he'd kick your ass.
What do you hope to accomplish?
Your.....well, L wannabe club is of interest to me, but what do you hope to accomplish?
There's no way in hell you can solve these cases, you have no evidence, forensics, no trustable sources, and so on.
If by some miracle you happen to solve these "cases" then what? your going to tell the police?....and except them to make arrests based on your theorems over there detectives?
.....oh and most of these crimes are hoaxes by the way
and why continue your chats on an open source, where anyone can see? why not use something a tad more secure say a private chat on freewebs thats encrypted and has a password? its free and npt hard to set up....
First off, thank you Patrick, you are right, what do you say Jack? Lets just bury the hachet.
Second, Seto Arixion, welcome to our "L wanna be club", let me appoligize for that kid on this site calling himself "Lawliet L Ryusaki" and his japanese kira theory. Also, you said the fact that this site is public is actually helpful, the world wide web is, well, world wide, it's only a matter of time before the police get hold of this info.Also I tkink its best I tell you and everyone else my current theory,
The trash bag killer MO was similar to M.M.'s, the victoms wounds were surgical, many say this means they're the same person, but, I think it means the two killers were connected, that connection was that they went to the same medical school. M.M. must have had homocidal urges at the time but was always to scared to follow threw, but when found out who the trash bag killer was, he snaped, M.M. killed him using the guys own MO to spite him then mutilated his genitals out of disgust at what the killer had done to those women, the M.M. hid the body in freezer to remind him what happens to people like the dearly departed trash bag killer. Then, resently, M.M. read a certain manga about some one like him, who killed but was worshipped for it, and began contempating his own "rise to greatness". M.M. then took three of the Trash Bag killers body parts and left two notes that had a secret code on them (an idea he got from the book "Deathnote; Another Note;the BB murder cases") and is now waiting to make his next move.
You guys are RPing, right? I can't believe some of the stuff I read. It's over the top, it's creepy on a factor I can't even describe. You can't be for real, you all. You have to be RPing.
You know, forget that. This is way too much even for RP purposes. You should probably take a deep breath and consider the sheer ridicolousness of what you are doing.
I dont think the policd are scanning the web for info on a case they havent solved in about a year.....(excuse my spelling) espcaily bieng there in Belguim. You have to be
either 1: pretty stupid
or phcyologically disturbed to follow in the foot steps of a fictous murder, who in the end gets caught. If that is the case as you sugguest then this might be vindictive, maybe his/her father or relative is a high profile criminal, though the chances of that are pretty frickin low.
This whole kira "case", if I an call it that, has been up to know an isolated incident, there has been no more evidence no follow up, ect. Hell, we dont even know who it is the MM killed.
I think the police has buried the case due to more urgent cases or that they couldn't solve it.
Another theory thats goes a completly deffrent direction. If the person that was killed was of a repected family (politics,buissnes ect.) and there were..
traces of drug use in the post-mortem, assuming they performed one, the family would have had the post-mortem, report buried (not literally) the European police tend to keep an unsolved case open for a year and if no new evidence is acquired then they usually close it and label it unsolved.
If this indeed was a prank committed by medical students, then Belgians have a sick sense of humor.....
Anyhow, have you considered that this might be a cover up and the person is not really trying to replicate events in Death Note the manga or the Los Angeles BB Murder Case? ( which is an awesome book)
If you think about it the possibilities are endless there is no way to verify any of them
Wow it seems that there has
Wow it seems that there has been alot of messing around and not much real work going on. Maybe it was a bad thing i left for awhile. Hm that code at the top sounded alot like the one i think i posted? I cant remember. This case has drivin eveybody in diffrent directions. I haven't been on becasue of some sorting out i had to do. Now i'm back and ready to get started but there had been alot of childish typing going on. And the insults to eachother, who ever you are the two whom are fighting. That is the most childish thing, if you dont want to work together fine but theres no reason to 'diss eachother llike that. Everyone seems to be thrown in a diffrent direction from the main objective. I've come up with some theories but im not sure im willing to share with childlike posters. So far i've seen only N who hasn't lost his head over this. You can't let this get to you.
Anyway I'm back and i hope u all do better.
Ps: N we havent talked in a long time. where have you been? I dont want to seem i dont know the right word but im worried i hope you are ok
Stop Fussin and think you morons!
SL, LS, everyone, I am sorry for all of my childish comments and I hope I can earn back my respect. Back to the subject I've been told that most European investigations are closed and labeled "unsolved" after one year, please note that this information has not been verified, if this is the case, then M.M. will make his next move when the investigation end just so mind fuck, prdon the phrase, the police. As a side note, I believe while Ted Bundy's (serial killer) pleasure came from the his actual murders, and Jeffrey Dahmer's (do I really have to say it?) pleasure came from the feeling of control he had over hi victoms bodys, M.M.'s pleasure must come from the disposal, no, thats the wrong word, the display of the body parts, this is somthing to think about.
I think that if kira was
I think that if kira was killing these people for pleasure it would be because of the publicity and the power he has now gained over the police, it seems they might just be giving up
maybe we should use M.M.'s pleasure of publicity against him.
Im not sure what you mean?
Im not sure what you mean?
why lust killers kill
Killers like mr. M.M. kill for pleasure, if we take away that pleasure, he'll definitly do somthing stupid. if his pleasure does come from the publicity he getting we could spread rumurs that could piss him off, he want others to see him as Hannibal Lecter so lets make him look like Buffalo Bill (i just watched "silence of the lambs") this will push him to do somthing and that somthing will either get him arrested or get the police more clues.
it wasn't buffolo bill in
it wasn't buffolo bill in silence of the lambs, it was francis dolarhyde in that other hannibal movie red dragon and as I do recall that the person that spread the rumors was tied to a wheelchair and had his toung ripped out an his body sent to the station on fire.
look ill help because this
look ill help because this case is rather a interesting one, i think this M.M was fond of the idea of Kira, what i mean is he left this notes on purpose so people will think its somehow related to the Manga seris. We must find a way to catch, possibly a trap
also it would be helpful if
also it would be helpful if i can get more info, like victim's name, specific location, time of murder scene, and any other previous suspects would help a lot right now
P/S im the annonymus dude from earlier
Hmm I was wondering. How did
Hmm I was wondering. How did the killer get the name M.M?
Jack you are absolutaly right. That's a great idea! The problem is how are we going to spred these rumors with out throughing other people off like the police. If the police hasn't already they should investigate the victums family.
Ja Ne
It's so...nice how almost no
It's so...nice how almost no one new cares about this case....I see the same people over and over again....I must say, you're all very brave....however, that's beside the point.
M.M most likely hasn't moved since the murder. He's still in the same spot....that is, if he's as smart as I think he is. Imagine, if you will, that you have just killed someone. You managed to dispose of the body without leaving a trace, and you do not wish to make yourself an obvious suspect. Therefore, you do not want to panic and leave the area suddenly. You stick around for a a few years, THEN you leave in a very..."normal" way. Say your on buisness, or going to a wedding someplace. A normal reason to leave a place, correct?
however, it's also possible that the murderer DID panic and leave the country....but that's just a theory, anyway. And I'm quite fond of giving away random theories, as some of you may know.....
I found something you might
I found something you might find intresting. If you want to know email me at
plz reply
Thank you mr. SL, for agreeing with me, i am not sure how could do this either. its embearising, but, i have only two thing to add.
1) M.M. was coined by mr. Near. (M.M. stands for Manga Murderer)
2) i don't think mr. M.M. left the area, i say this on the basis that he wouldn't have as much fun otherwise
I like Jack and SL's plan, heres my idea, some one should set up a web site "dedicated" to this case, this site should include a fake name for the victom and describe said victom as a good person, maybe use the nerd from "the breakfast club" as a model, and fake letters from M.M. saying things we know he would hate. Think about it, if you were M.M. and you killed a bad person, the trash bag killer, and was acoused of killing a good person and than find out some one is putting words in your mouth, wouldn't you be just a little steamed.
P.S. add to the site that DNA evidance was found on the body parts and he'll defientaly get pissed.
P.P.S. my CAPTCHA code for this message is W i R L ! ( we are L!) sign maybe?
Could be, you'll never
Could be, you'll never believe what just happened to me last night:
just because the victim
just because the victim didnt die of a heart attack doesn't mean anything, in the death not u can make specify a certain death, so really the case is still dead end, we should also do the plan it could possibly work and catch him, but i doubt he'll be lookin on the web
.....Misinforamation Theory
Just tomake sure, are we to use this page or the one posted above as our "headquarters"?
Oh...and about the theory to force MM's hand into doing something stupid,well careless, would require him to not contain his emotions and take action that isn't very well thought, which is probably not going to happen, being that he (or she) committed ,more or less, a "perfect" murder ,if such a thing exists,assuming that it was a murder and not a prank. Also, put MM in a position that he/she would have to make a move might cause innocent people harm.
However, expanding on the Misinformation Theory,if I may call it that, if the killer is indeed a university student, then we should go to the university site and try to make contacts in the university that might be interested in the case.Doing so would be difficult because we have to make sure our contacts aren't feeding our info to MM or one of our contacts is indeed MM himself, which might be useful, (to leak info)but it would be almost impossible to d so remotely. Then we can make the website on a foreign server so it can not be traced back to any of us. We would have to get this web page deleted. Then we can spread the rumors via the universities site,assuming they have some sort of forum or message board. If not then we could use our contacts to find a social site that the students use and leave links to our websites there.
To do all of this we would need someone that speaks fairly fluent French, my French is pretty rusty and someone with a fair knowledge of HTML
One more thing, if the alleged murderer is a Death Note fan, then he should be able to see through the trap, being that its a lot like what L did to Light to make him give away his location and also how L trapped that Higuchi or whatever his name was.
Heres what interests me
Heres what interests me though if he camiled that he is Kira near the site of the murder, won't that mean that the victim could've been a criminal at one time, if he were in a gang when he got arrested won't that make the gang the next target? if so we should expolit this to our advantage
It might be real
Have you ever considered that there MIGHT just be something beyond our world? Something bigger than us? I do, and that's why something like this doesn't scare me.
Gang member
First of all:
IamKira, you do not make any sense. Death Notes don't exist. In no culture,religon,scripture,mythology,ect. doesn anything like a Death note exist.(to my knowledge)
J-J, I highly doubt, assuming that the victim was the "trash bag killer", that the victim was part of a gang. People with messed up mirror neurons, the part of our brain that feels empathy,smypathy and emotions, are not very social. Psychopaths usually work alone, because well...there psychopaths.
however, the victim has still not yet been identified. The crucial detail that if the body parts of the "victim" are from the same body has not yet been verified. For all we know three people could have been killed and had parts of there body decapitated and put up for display and the rest of there corpses thrown in a freezer or buried or worse yet cannibalized. We are making blind shots in the dark. Blind shots with no target beacuse we cant act on any concerete information that we do have.
For the time being, I think we should put our attention to another case, one that has a bit more information to it and more recent until any new information surfaces on this case, if any ever does. We still have to consider that this could simply be a prank.
yeah your probably right
yeah your probably right about that, we'll just have to wait and find out. what other case were u planning on investigating
Not Possible
I personaly think it would be amazing if Death Note came true, but seriously, that's a little farfetched. To prove it's not a real Kira, you take the facts. The real Kira usually kills by heart attacks and would never be at the scene of the crime in the first place. He'd kill using his Death Note and not risk getting caught by placing such a trivial thing as a note saying "I am Kira". It's an amateur murderer looking to be recognized as someone intelligent and impossible as Light Yagami.
New theories
Hmm not much has happened since ive been gone, and Jack it would be Miss SL ;) I know it's dumb to be telling you my gender but I don't think it will be a problem. Anyway, M.M hasn't killed too much. I have said before that I think he may be done but it could be doubted. The police are starting to give up am I correct? Maybe he is waiting for them to give up. Once they do he'll kill again. Wait tell the comotions over, then kill again. Once the police have givin up he'll feel victorious and his ego will gain and it may cause him to slip and make a mistake. that's all we can hope for. I also think that killing like this and hiding behind a manga is cowardly. Well that is all ive come up with. JA NE
Nothing has developed in this case for over a year. What should we do? We could try provoking the murder out, but that ay backfire
In Reply To: Seto
Its not even one year ago, and to be honoust u can't expect people on the net, without any information or option of seeing any real evidence to solve something like this.
I agree with N the best be
I agree with N the best be can do is try our best with all that we have. Which so far isn't much.
actually its almost been more than a year since the actual murder......just as you said it is impossible for us to solve the case, I've been saying that since I first came across these pages.....
Patrick Bateman I would like
Patrick Bateman I would like a word with you if you still come to this blog. My name is Misa Amane. I too hate when people say no to me. When that happens I simply use my note. That's right. I have a note. Although my note cannot kill. I got it when I was 15 and I am 19 going on 20. It has the power to torture people physically and emotionally and can be used to get into peoples minds and dreams. I can cause good things to happen with my note. If you want something I can get it for you. If you are interested email me at
Are you for real? Thats
Are you for real? Thats sounds like a load of crap. The only way people can be emotionally or physically hurt by that is if they to it to themselves being phycotic, or paranoid.
Why don't you ask Hurricane
Why don't you ask Hurricane Wolf then.
I'd ather stick to my
I'd ather stick to my judgement thank you, since there is now way you can prove it to me.
You wanna bet? I can't say
You wanna bet? I can't say much, but anyone who doesn't believe me may be in danger and if not be killed. That's all I'm saying.
Also, and I won't say why is
Also, and I won't say why is I am to refrain from using the note as much as I can. The proof that I can give you is ask Hurricane Wolf, Droog from the same blog, but different, and if anyone watches Iron Chef America on Food Network the Iron Chef has won 5 months in a row. That does not include new episodes which are on Sundays.
What I should say is that
What I should say is that any new shows that are on now don't count. I started this several months before I came into this case.
People may say what you do
People may say what you do is for real but where is the proof? Evidance is key. Besides dont you need a face and a nick name. I can say what I want because you will get neither my face nor name. I laugh at you in some ways because black magic sounds more realistic than this.
Ja Ne
PS: I was thinking of studying black magic now I think I will see who can hurt who first
You really make me laugh.
You really make me laugh. You really do. How do you know I don't know what you look like? Think again. Plus if you try and hurt me I'll have you killed. I have connections.
You really don't know who
You really don't know who you are messing with girl. I'm running on all sorts of crazy today and I am not one to mess with.
I make you laugh? Well you
I make you laugh? Well you make me sick. If you really know what I look like describe it to me. You dont know who YOU'RE messing with. You and your foolish games dont scare me. And how the hell are you going to have me killed when you know nothing about who the Hell I am. You don't have any connections that can lead you to me. I may be one of the hardest people to find so dont you threaten me you phsycotic moron.
By the way I have people who are willing to die for me so you'd have to get through them to get to me and I dont think that's going to happen especaily with T around.
T: you most likely scrony litle rodent
There's your first taste of an insult by none other than T the mega insulter.
Oh gosh,
Oh my, what a twist here, has Misa forgotten why we are here? To investigate? Hmm, Well Misa, Misa. If you are great as you say you are? Then why all the fuss? Hmm? Seems to me your not good with working with other people, as SL has posted, yes your being very childish. So stop these lies and your childish games. Suck it up, and help solve the case. Not fight with other investigators.
Thank you
Izumi Oda
You stay out of it and also
You stay out of it and also SL who might I say has dark hair needs to understand that I can have you killed. I hope you know I still am connected to Kira. I am not working for him, but I do still keep in contact with him.
Also, if anyone is going to
Also, if anyone is going to make any insults please do it with proper grammer because it doesn't seem that much of an insult when words are not typed correctly.
you know what Misa you're
you know what Misa you're wrong. You can't have me killed if you don't know where I am. Or who I am for tht matter. There is a fifty fifty chance I actually do have dark hair concediering the only shades are light and dark. I can have either. Hair colour isn't spasific enough for me. Do you even know my name? I don't think so. You don't know what kind of person I am. You know nothing. Kira doesn't scare me and neither do you. I scare myself more than you scare me hell bunnies scare me more than you do. Whats my eye color? Whats my skin color? What color of make up do I wear? I don't think you know anything. Prove it and then we'll talk about if anyone should believe you.
Ja Ne
T: Avafonguese se conna persarica.
T doesn't like to have comments made about him. I don't like you making comments about my cousin either.
Oh Gosh. Yes, as SL has said
Oh Gosh. Yes, as SL has said your being childish. Stop your lies. SL is right. You'll have a hell of a hard time finding her. You don't know what she looks like, nor do you know where she is. If you do, then yes, youll have a hard time getting to her. Theres a whole crowd of people here that would die for her. Wanna get to her? Well, your going to have to get thorough ALL of us first. but that doesnt matter anyways, because you know nothing about half the people here. Maybe more.
By the way, this is SL's sister. To get to her, you'll have to go through me first.
Isn't this supposed to be a case? Let everyone get back to their investagations and call us if you want to argue.
Number is : 17058642038
Stop your childish games and grow up. Noob.
The only reason why I am
The only reason why I am pissed is because when I first came on here I wasn't talking to her. No, I was talking to someone else. So it was none of her bizz to even get in my conversation with someone else. My note was not her business my note was between me and that Mr. Bateman guy. I am on this case and wanting to stop it and that is why I brought my note out into the open to everyone on the other blog. I am willing to use my note to catch the people we need to catch. So if you do get someone and they won't give you information then don't bother coming to me to torture it out of them because I am not helping you guys no more. I know what I am doing and SL should have just stayed out of it and not question my note. She should have just kept her opinion to herself. Not even I know what my note is. It was just given to me when I was 15 and I am 19 going on 20. I didn't even know about Death Notes and such until this year. I just know it's based of an actually Japanese ledgend. I would say my note falls under witchcraft or vudoo. I can't help I was choen for the note. I know I have a purpose and Wolf helped me discover that. If anyone thinks they will hurt me they are wrong because I am what you can call a Takada. I am highly protected as well and some of these people you don't want to mess with. If all of you can just let me be and not question my note in a rude way then I can work with you. If you just want to know about my note you can ask me and please ask me without being rude. Email me at if you must.
Also, it's not a good idea
Also, it's not a good idea to leave numbers on blogs such as this. I highly doubt it is your real number, but I am just making the suggestion. Also, none of you really understand why I am acting like this. I am very irritable right now and it's because of my note. If you want to know what the reason is email me. If you do not care to know then that is ok by me. Wolf I'm sure knows why. I talk to him almost everyday. Actually it is everyday. He knows more about me than anyone. So if you want information then I'm sure you will get the honest answer from him. Wolf doesn't seem like the type to lie, plus he can't.
Also, let me ask you this.
Also, let me ask you this. First I'll state what I believe and that is I do believe there ar Death Notes and I do believe there are notes that can torture people well because I have one, but even if I never did have one and someone brought something like that up I would still believe there is a note that can torture. Now let me ask you this. Would you rather believe a note that can torture people, and it's just like sticking pins in a doll or a note that can kill. Which one seems more believable, but of course you may note believe in Death Notes either, but still which one?
What is this?
Misa, Misa, calm yourself. Try and use your mind not to fight, but to help on figuring out this case. Tsk tsk.
Hm. Well then. I hadn't
Hm. Well then. I hadn't known that you were trying to solve this. I am sorry. Yes I am apologising.(sp) I have been out of line but I still do think this is a little far fetched. I don't believe the good Lord would permit such a thing. I would rather the second death for a note because toturing you have to live with if you're dead you're dead. I don't believe you that's my opinion. I have added your e-maila nd maybe you can prove it to me. If you can I will leave you alone if you can't I will still leave this alone to the best of my abbilities. Reasons why I dont believe you is because you hadn't answered my questions. Plus I'm not willing to fogive someone who has threatened to murder me.
Thank you
That???s very good of you SL to apologize, hopefully Misa will except this, and go on with the case. Other wise that would truly be childish.
Oh by the way Misa this site
Oh by the way Misa this site is public and every conversation is seen and can be discussed amoung every one. You can't expect to have a private conversation on a public site. The only reason I got into it in the first place was because I had the inpresion you were just trying to scare everyone. Some advice. If you want to have a private conversation do it on a not so public place or verify it.
Ja Ne
I wasn't trying to scare
I wasn't trying to scare anyone and the reason why I am not answering your questions is because I am done playing games with people. They either believe or they don't. Using my note is what got me in trouble in the first place, so I had to stop using it and the only reason I will use it is for the case. I will forgive you and I will say I am sorry as well. I was raised to forgive and admit my mistakes and that was yelling at you. I too agree that the good Lord himself would not permit such a thing to be put in anyones hands. It just happened to me I guess. Yes that's right I do believe there is a God and I do go to church actually. Surprised? I don't know the actual web site, but my church is Fort Wayne Central Menonite church.
Here we go again.
I do not live in Fort Wayne
I do not live in Fort Wayne either by the way.
That's cool. I don't go to
That's cool. I don't go to church but I do pray and believe. You're right either people believe or they don't. I went agaist myself arguing with you because usually I'm very opened minded but I completely closed my mind. I will try to keep an open mind. Thank you for forgiving me and I accept your apology.
Who said you did?
I try and pray too all the
I try and pray too all the time asking for answers on why this all happened to me and sometimes I feel the answer is there and sometimes I don't. I believe that if you can't see the answer it's because you are making yourself blind. I say people need to see with their hearts and not with their eyes all the time.
I was just saying if anyone
I was just saying if anyone went looking for me they wouldn't find me there.
I hope we can all cooperate
I hope we can all cooperate now and get this case solved. Shall we?
I hope so too. By the way.
I hope so too. By the way. What do you think about the murders?
Well I'm not really sure. I
Well I'm not really sure. I have been working with several others on the Japanese Kira case. I first assumed they were linked, but not anymore.
They possibly could be
They possibly could be though because Kira could have several assistants anywhere in the world.
now that everyone is back
now that everyone is back one there investigation, we'll be better off that way, i'm new on the murder case and as soon as i came on i see insults about my cousin SL. and sorry about calling you a scrony rodent Misa. so lets just keep it to the case!
Ok I guess.
Ok I guess.
i ahve been readin this blog
i ahve been readin this blog for the past few days and u guys r nothin but catty ass girls on their peroid! u all need to stop fightin and get your heads in the case. i have started my own team. its me and my friends. btw misa i believe u. i have heard about these so called torture notes from readin witchcraft books and books about dark magic. it is kinda like stickin pins in dolls. i also kno that you have rules to follow is that righ misa? u may be shocked to know i know about your note. notes like misas i know arent talke about that much but i heard of them.
Near misa read in old books
Near misa read in old books that the notes have been around for hundreds of years< I found a connection that thos books, her birth year and the year that she got her note are all during leap years.
Hold up! You have heard of
Hold up! You have heard of my note? How? I know I read books on them, but I didn't know anyone else has.
If you can please email at
If you can please email at
ill be sure to e mail u. i
ill be sure to e mail u. i want to work wit u if that ok.
that is very interestin
that is very interestin wolf. ill look into that. i know that these books like misa has were made by hnad and were made by people who did witchcraft. is that right misa? i also know that a few people were burned for havin books like these.
Yes! That is right. My book
Yes! That is right. My book was made by hand. Also, you are right about there being rules and how to use it. I am so happy now because finally someone understands where I am coming from. I would love to work with you. Also, you should meet my friends Charles and Edward. Their mom gave me that note.
hmm so their mum gave it to
hmm so their mum gave it to u. it is most likely cuz the passin down of notes was from a witch to her sons and daughters. did she give you any piece of jewelry or some stone? i know that when a note is passed down a heirloom of some sort would be given.
i must be goin now. its 2
i must be goin now. its 2 somethin in the mornin over here where i live. i live in scotland. ill be movin to the states tho soon.
i must be goin now. its 2
i must be goin now. its 2 somethin in the mornin over here where i live. i live in scotland. ill be movin to the states tho soon.
You posted that twice as you
You posted that twice as you can see and I think that is so cool you live in Scotland. I'll be going there hopefully. My friend and are travling around Europe and stuff. I hope to talk to you through email soon. Take care.
I guess everyone else has
I guess everyone else has been gone. I'm so alone. Lol.
..Gomen Misa ^^'
..Gomen Misa ^^'
Anyways, yes, it was very foolish of me to post a phone number, good thing it was just a bunch of random numbers neh?
Anyways, as TS I am new to this case and site. So for my sake, and the sake of anyone else who has just opened up to this case, could you please fill me in on everything that you might know.
And also, now that Misa has explained it, it sounds pretty believable, the whole notebook thing. Although I may need some more explaining to believe it.
Again, Gomen Misa ^^'
I really think this Nate
I really think this Nate River guy can help you explain my note as well. He seems to know just as much as I do, but he could know more. I wasn't given much info about my note when I first got it. I had to learn a lot by myself and then had a little help from my two friends, whose mom gave me that note. Also, when ever you are on again Nate River I never answered your question. I never did get any kind of jewelry or stone. If she had anything of the sort, she may have given it to her sons to keep before she died. I also got your emails as well. Thank you.
You know this BB Muder Cases
You know this BB Muder Cases book sounds a lot like the Belgian Case.
i am here.
I am here to help if I can. I have talked to HW about it and I am ready for anything.
i am here.
I am here to help if I can. I have talked to HW about it and I am ready for anything.
I'm going to be away for
I'm going to be away for awhile so I am asking if some one can keep tract of the basic idea of what's going on so when I get back I can ask for a summary if that isn't too trouble some.
Thank you
Saint Sorrow I can see
Saint Sorrow I can see myself working with you in the future. Can you please email me sometime at
I am also going to be away
I am also going to be away for a while since I rarely get the computer and that
I have projects to work on although I just started working on the case.
Come on! you guys seriously
Come on! you guys seriously think this has to do with wich craft and "magical note books" this is a killer! not a note book!!!
maybe but recall thatin some
maybe but recall thatin some other cases blood was found know this i will find out who this person is
Hei kaikki. Me kaikki
Hei kaikki. Me kaikki belive, jotka olivat menossa ratkaista t??m?? asia ja ainoa tapa tehd?? se on ty??skennell?? yhdess??.
Ja Ei
Im sorry I had to type it.
Im sorry I had to type it. To thoes of you who know what language this is this is actually where I come from. It really says:
Hello every one. We all belive that were going to solve this case and the only way to do it is to work together.
Ja Ne
For thoes who don't know.
I drink to that. Red Bull
I drink to that. Red Bull that is.
Ha ha red bull is one of the
Ha ha red bull is one of the best energy drinks.
You better believe it is.
You better believe it is. Lol. Anyways, I will not be on this blog as much. I am doing something really important. If you are wondering why Nate River hasn't been on in a while it's because he has been packing and getting ready to move to the states. He contacts me through email. He won't be back on until he has completely moved in their house in the U.S. He will be the one working on this blog from now on.
Everyone, I understand your concern, and I encourage you to uphold a sense of caution whenever traveling alone, but do not panic.
Panic is exactly the kind of reaction a murderer like this wants. Actually, if they are sane, and they do realize that they are not a real version of Kira, I'd say you're all giving him exactly what he wants, which is discussion.
Think about it. Very few murderers want to be caught, but almost all of them want to be known. Acknowledging this person's behavior is feeding the fire that keeps murders like this going.
Many of you are playing right into the delusional thing's hands, and the last thing we want is encouragement.
I can tell you this much: This Kira is one of two kinds of people. He is either a very ill person who really thinks he is a living Kira, or he has a very sick fetish for causing riot and chaos. Either way, this Kira wants to make himself known.
We can pretty much rule out the possibility that there is anything like a real Death Note out there, since this Kira more than likely would not have wanted to do the dirty work themselves if it was avoidable.
I can only go so far as saying Kira is an attention-whore.
He may be dumb, or he may be smart. Perhaps he is acting like an idiot to throw us all off, or maybe he really is as stupid as he seems. There is no way to tell this soon.
At any rate, I encourage you people, you L's and N's and Kira's and whoever else you think you are, to just drop it and leave it alone. Do not even pretend you're investigating. You are not a detective, and we are not dealing with someone with godly powers. We are dealing with a psychopathic murderer.
Most of you are probably very inexperienced, very stupid, very mortal, or some combination of the three.
Please understand this, and stay safe.
-_-' I don't think any of us
-_-' I don't think any of us are really paniced right now to tell you the truth. And also I will not be posting as much just checking in.
Ja Ne
I do agree with everyone above here, that this is a very serious matter. To think that an actual person is going around, and pretending to be a fitional murderer from a popular manga. It is extremely disturbing that he/she would perform these deeds and whole-heartedly believe that what he or she is doing is for the right purpose. I'm not saying that their motive is not there, but still. It is extremely unnerving. But before I say anything else, I love how everyone is getting so worked up, and writing solutions and speculations down, as if they were a detective, L or anyone else from the NPA attempting to crack this 'case'. It amuses me to a certain extent that people also are obsessed enough to pretend that they actually are characters from Death Note. I'm not insulting whoever has done this, I am just saying it is amusing.
Anyway, it upsets me that this murderer has referenced Death Note in his murder. Not many people in our Western society are very fond of the influences that Asian subcultures have on the minds of younger children (take note, I am one of these younger children). Many people are on the boaderline of banishing these materials from municipal libraries and such. And to have someone commit such a heinous crime where it briefly involves one of these boarderline literatures, even though it may not have taken place in North America, reprecussions will be made worldwide accordingly. And all because one stupid obsessed lunatic wants to murder someone for whatever reason they may have, and to coincidentally involve a manga that revolves around murder, death and mystery. There is no excuse for the acts they have committed, and no mercy for the slaughterous actions. Prayers for the family of the victim, of course, but this action is unforgivable. I am not going proclaim I will solve it, because I KNOW I have no power. But all we can do is hope that something like this never happens again. Thank you all for your time, sorry for its length
So they've started a case studdy, on another site? i see, well id like to help but i guess ill just stay on this site for now ^^', sorry i havent bin attending. im not all that bright but id love tohelp atleast.
Thank you
Owari Mikomi
lol finanlly some with some sense.....nice to meet you Owari Mikomi
Congratulations on not being mentally ill.
Owari Mikomi, thank you for behaving like an acceptable human being.
I 100% agree with everything you've written.
Thank you for having some common sense.
It's nice to know that not everyone here is trying painfully hard to ignore reality.
Reality being, of course, that they are not detectives, they are not geniuses, and they probably aren't very intelligent at all if they believe themselves to be.
I know I'm not the physical manifestation of a Death Note character, and the chances of any of them being who they're pretending to be are quite slim.
Actually, some of them probably aren't very much saner than the killer is.
Anyway, good job at being normal.
You win 1000000 cool points.
And I never give away that many cool points.
Understanding the killer
This case is extremely odd in the fact that no missing persons have been identified as of yet. If I were the police I would take into consideration the killer could be young anywhere from 15 and up to possibly 45 or 50. With the amount of child crime we are seeing today I could possibly conclude that the killer could still be a child. If they are crazy then anyone of any age is still extremely dangerous. Also the misspellings on the notes could lead you to think the child thought everything through except the spelling. They main flaw with this theory is that a 15 year old might have trouble overpowering a man of 20.
I don't know if I can agree
I don't know if I can agree with you on that one, but there is a 5% it could have been a child. The murder was just done so perfectly that a child at 15 could not perform such murder. Like I said though, 5% chance. You would have to do research to find the percentage of "genious" kids that populate this earth. I would start with Belgium then Japan. Then I would check the countries surrounding Belgium. If you think about it it's a lot of research. I am saying this because a murder that perfect would have to be done by some sort of genious, but it also could have been done by someone who has done this sort of thing for a long time. Which is why I would assume it was an older person.
um about the case this guy
um about the case this guy is clearly into death note and maybe he is leaving clues like a type of beyond birthday thing those are just my thoughts but it could be possible
also i agree that it would
also i agree that it would be an older persone because genius children are kinda rare and perhaps he isnt even native to the country he could be a foreigner. but all i know for sure is that this sicko needs to be stopped at all costs. and i'm sure he will be soon enough
I totally agree with you
I totally agree with you lawliet 2 I myself just read The los angeles BB murder case and it seems to fit our murders a little bit. Good work!
Ja Ne
thank you SL also we cant
thank you SL also we cant rule out the possibility that M.M. is a girl even though its more likely M.M. is a man it isnt impossible
That is true...unless we are
That is true...unless we are going by the mexican murder inside joke haha. But that is still true although unless you are completely insane most women do not have the emotion capasity to hold the guilt of killing someone further more i have information that our killer is in fact a man which is 95%
Ja Ne
I have a friend that visits
I have a friend that visits Europe, often Belgium, quite frequently. He claims that he hasn't ever seen anything to this caliber while he was there, but I can't help but worry. When I look at the date, I actually think he may have been in Belgium when the notes were found, I'll have to ask him that later, but it's terrifying.
I try to keep an eye on all of my friends, but I can't follow them to the other side of the world to protect them.
I actually have information that says that the notes were found near body parts of a Caucasian male, not the entire body. Lower abdomen and two thighs, to be exact. I apologize for not sparing the bloody details, but it's relevant. As the victim was not identified, it is unknown whether or not the thighs and the abdomen belonged to the same individual, but it is likely.
Since only the bottom half of the corpse was found, the body could not be identified by the face or dental records. Revolting, but incredibly clever. I have to hand it to them, whoever this person is, they didn't cut corners.
If someone wanted only to cause an uproar by claiming to be Kira, and not actually take on the challenge of being said Kira, they would have killed one person and torn them up, to create the illusion that they are murdering more people than they really are. However, I wouldn't put it past them to have killed multiple times. If someone is willing to kill once, they are probably willing to kill again. Still, given the name, situation, and evidence, I find that the first scenario is more likely.
SL and Lawliet 2, if I may have your attention. I apologize for addressing you specifically, but this next bit might assist in your "is it a girl" inquiry.
The killer is probably not female, but that isn't necessarily the case.
While women can be just as sadistic in their thoughts and ideas as men, they are often less physically strong, and therefore less intimidating when performing such a close-contact murder such as this. Also, most women are less aggressive than most men, and mentally, they couldn't handle the guilt of knowing they killed someone.
However, women have more of a tendency to get wrapped up in a fantasy world. Statistically, there are more schizophrenic women than there are men, and if they made the mistake in allowing themselves to be absorbed by Death Note, we might just have ourselves a lady-killer.
True, when one thinks of a "creepy murderer who disassembles their victims," a man usually comes to mind (many thanks to Dahmer), but that is only because women have the innate ability to hide their aggressive, violent tendencies. Girls practice their passive-aggressive acts from the time they are born. While men are more outwardly violent, women are sneaky when they want to destroy something.
Ah, sorry.
Disregard this first post.
I apologize, I didn't notice I posted it and posted a second, but the first wasn't ready.
Concern and Ideas
I have a friend that visits Europe, often Belgium, quite frequently. He claims that he hasn't ever seen anything to this caliber while he was there, but I can't help but worry. When I look at the date, I actually think he may have been in Belgium when the notes were found, I'll have to ask him that later, but it's terrifying.
I try to keep an eye on all of my friends, but I can't follow them to the other side of the world to protect them.
I actually have information that says that the notes were found near body parts of a Caucasian male, not the entire body. Lower abdomen and two thighs, to be exact. I apologize for not sparing the bloody details, but it's relevant. As the victim was not identified, it is unknown whether or not the thighs and the abdomen belonged to the same individual, but it is likely.
Since only the bottom half of the corpse was found, the body could not be identified by the face or dental records. Revolting, but incredibly clever. I have to hand it to them, whoever this person is, they didn't cut corners.
If someone wanted only to cause an uproar by claiming to be Kira, and not actually take on the challenge of being said Kira, they would have killed one person and torn them up, to create the illusion that they are murdering more people than they really are. However, I wouldn't put it past them to have killed multiple times. If someone is willing to kill once, they are probably willing to kill again. Still, given the name, situation, and evidence, I find that the first scenario is more likely.
SL and Lawliet 2, if I may have your attention. I apologize for addressing you specifically, but this next bit might assist in your "is it a girl" inquiry.
The killer is probably not female, but that isn't necessarily the case.
While women can be just as sadistic in their thoughts and ideas as men, they are often less physically strong, and therefore less intimidating when performing such a close-contact murder such as this. Also, most women are less aggressive than most men, and mentally, they couldn't handle the guilt of knowing they killed someone.
However, women have more of a tendency to get wrapped up in a fantasy world. Statistically, there are more schizophrenic women than there are men, and if they made the mistake in allowing themselves to be absorbed by Death Note, we might just have ourselves a lady-killer.
True, when one thinks of a "creepy murderer who disassembles their victims," a man usually comes to mind (many thanks to Dahmer), but that is only because women have the innate ability to hide their aggressive, violent tendencies. Girls practice their passive-aggressive acts from the time they are born. While men are more outwardly violent, women are sneaky when they want to destroy something.
Also, most teenagers are far too A.D.D. to pull off something complicated enough to keep them from being caught, and keep their victim's identity a secret. Though children are becoming increasingly more violent due to popular culture such as Death Note, I don't think they could pull off a hit to this caliber unless they watch a lot of CSI or Forensic Files or something. I mean a lot. Chances are that the person who committed the murder is physically fit enough to get the job done. Though it's possible that they took the victim by surprise, it seems unlikely that the victim wouldn't fight for their life, don't you think?
One last thing is that I would like to acknowledge is that there have not been any "Kira" murders in the area since. That fact alone makes me seriously consider that the killer is not convinced that they are Kira. If they were, they would most likely have continued to kill. They want to cause chaos or they want attention, but they are aware that they are not the bodily representation of an anime character, and they do not wish to uphold any kind of new world order. They just want to know that they are superior to the investigators and police, because they can evade them.
Then again, I could be absolutely wrong about everything I just wrote, and I doubt that anyone will read even a bit of it.
I'm still convinced that it's worth looking into, though.
i think ur riight about what yuuh said abour the 'woman' part.... an di read ALL or it...this is what i got from the wikipida
The Manga Murder (Mangamoord in Dutch) is an unsolved, Belgian murder case possibly involving a serial killer, referred to as the Manga Killer.[1] The name of the case was coined by the Belgian media and has to do with the notes that were found near the victim. The notes carried a sentence in capital letters and in different colours,[2] originating from the manga series, Death Note: "Watashi wa Kira dess", a transliteration of "I am Kira".Light Yagami, also known as Kira, is the protagonist of the series. In Death Note, Kira goes on a killing spree assisted by his supernatural notebook, trying to cleanse the world of criminals.
The case received much attention from the Japanese media.
Case details
On Friday, September 28, 2007, parts of a cut up corpse, the torso and two thighs, were found in the Dudenpark in Forest, Brussels, by two pedestrians who happened to smell the rotting parts. A short while later the two notes referring to the Death Note series were found nearby.
The detectives working the case were unable to identify the victim, because all crucial body parts are missing. What they did conclude was:
The body was only a day or two old when found, or had been stored in a freezer. Storage in a freezer is plausible because it can explain the surgical precision of the cut.
The victim is Caucasian, between 20 and 30 years old.
The location of the victim is very close to the highest point of Brussels, possibly a symbolic location since Kira acts as a god of death in the manga.
The thighs of the body were shaved, also possibly pointing in the direction of a psychopathic act or the gay scene.
The detectives mentioned a practical joke by medicine students as one of the possibilities; the academic year had just started and the students have relatively easy access to dead bodies. Still, the police fear that they are dealing with a serial killer. Later, a hypothetical revenge action in the gay scene was brought up.
A public announcement asking for witnesses received a single reaction. A jogger had seen a blond man lying down on the same spot where the victim was found two days later. The next day she saw the man again. The witness thought the man was sleeping and did not pay much attention to it. It is not certain that the man was indeed the victim.
The police established cooperation with the working group Corpus, who are involved in the investigation of the Mons serial killer, because there is a similar modus operandi.
A month after the event, a new article was published in a Belgian newspaper, stating that the detectives still had not achieved any progress in the case. Nobody reported a missing person, body, or body parts.
i really think u dont wanna read all this but i think after reaing this that it was the collage nurses cause and its more realistic than the 'kira' i said before if there is somone out there who has ingenious to pull it off then they they probly could....
i think ur riight about what yuuh said abour the 'woman' part.... an di read ALL or it...this is what i got from the wikipida
The Manga Murder (Mangamoord in Dutch) is an unsolved, Belgian murder case possibly involving a serial killer, referred to as the Manga Killer.[1] The name of the case was coined by the Belgian media and has to do with the notes that were found near the victim. The notes carried a sentence in capital letters and in different colours,[2] originating from the manga series, Death Note: "Watashi wa Kira dess", a transliteration of "I am Kira".Light Yagami, also known as Kira, is the protagonist of the series. In Death Note, Kira goes on a killing spree assisted by his supernatural notebook, trying to cleanse the world of criminals.
The case received much attention from the Japanese media.
Case details
On Friday, September 28, 2007, parts of a cut up corpse, the torso and two thighs, were found in the Dudenpark in Forest, Brussels, by two pedestrians who happened to smell the rotting parts. A short while later the two notes referring to the Death Note series were found nearby.
The detectives working the case were unable to identify the victim, because all crucial body parts are missing. What they did conclude was:
The body was only a day or two old when found, or had been stored in a freezer. Storage in a freezer is plausible because it can explain the surgical precision of the cut.
The victim is Caucasian, between 20 and 30 years old.
The location of the victim is very close to the highest point of Brussels, possibly a symbolic location since Kira acts as a god of death in the manga.
The thighs of the body were shaved, also possibly pointing in the direction of a psychopathic act or the gay scene.
The detectives mentioned a practical joke by medicine students as one of the possibilities; the academic year had just started and the students have relatively easy access to dead bodies. Still, the police fear that they are dealing with a serial killer. Later, a hypothetical revenge action in the gay scene was brought up.
A public announcement asking for witnesses received a single reaction. A jogger had seen a blond man lying down on the same spot where the victim was found two days later. The next day she saw the man again. The witness thought the man was sleeping and did not pay much attention to it. It is not certain that the man was indeed the victim.
The police established cooperation with the working group Corpus, who are involved in the investigation of the Mons serial killer, because there is a similar modus operandi.
A month after the event, a new article was published in a Belgian newspaper, stating that the detectives still had not achieved any progress in the case. Nobody reported a missing person, body, or body parts.
i really think u dont wanna read all this but i think after reaing this that it was the collage nurses cause and its more realistic than the 'kira' i said before if there is somone out there who has ingenious to pull it off then they they probly could....
For some reason the jogger
For some reason the jogger seems to catch my attention. This person could have some sort of connection to the actual killer or could be the killer herself and is only posing as a witness to the incident in order to decrease the chances of her being the actual murderer. If this is all true, then isn't it strange how she says that she saw a blond man lying there one day and didn't think anything strange about it. It's not natural for someone to act that way. Not only that but she states she saw him the next day lying in the same spot. Here is where she should have started asking herself questions. Does anybody else find this strange or am i just babling on about nothing?
SL: I have read your post
SL: I have read your post akward child and I find it interesting. You are right. Also Lawliet and I are working on conections between not just death note but also the Los Angels BB murder case; here is what Lawliet 2 has come up with:
Lawliet 2: "Maybe he isn't trying to be kira alone maybe he is now trying to be both, the posabilities of this are skim he may not have even read the novel but seeing as how he's a death note fan he may also be doing the BB thing too.
SL: My friend as though up MM and BB and I have come to the conlusion:
BB= beyond birthday
MM= manga murderer
we have thought up MM unconsiously of the fact BB it may be errelivant but I still find it interesting
Well, such a prompt response.
You have a point.
If you would be so kind, link me up to any news sources you are using, if you are using any.
If not, then I'm willing to hear anything else you're willing to tell me.
All I'm saying is that you have a point, and I may need to look into that.
While I would prefer we continue to converse solely on this website, I know this may be impossible or inconvenient to you, so I'll give you one of my extra e-mails that I use for impersonal communications.
You can contact me by either posting another comment on this website, or e-mailing me at, if the former inconveniences you.
I may not reply for a few days, though, because I travel a lot, and I'm usually pretty busy.
wow those are some good
wow those are some good points Awkward Child i was thinking about that stuff too and nice job posting SL
Thanks Lawliet 2. And good
Thanks Lawliet 2. And good job Akward child I will contact you soon alright.
Ja Ne
Thank you.
Thank you, both of you.
I will not be in the vicinity of a computer for about five days, starting tomorrow.
If you send me a message during that time, it will be checked and saved and I will reply when I return.
If you do not message me within that time, I will personally continue to check the inbox daily until I have to leave again, on the 21st of July. After I leave on the 21st, I should still be able to answer you on a regular basis.
Until that time comes, I urge you to relay to me any ideas you come up with, so long as you don't mind me knowing. Believe me, I don't want to make you feel obligated or uncomfortable.
Of course, to anyone else who wishes to contact me, I encourage you to use the same e-mail as I listed above.
dude this is TOOOO weird....this 'kira' peson probably only wrote tha damn message cause he wanted people like on this comment box to beleave there is a guy out there who can be a 'kira'....don't get me wrong though if this guy is as twisted extremely intelligent can commen a murder without leving a trace then he could become a kira killing people all around tha world but u would need a massive nation of followers who beleave tha same thing to do dthe chances of that are HIGHLY unlikely....
aka:nejisgirl4ever <3
dude this is TOOOO weird....this 'kira' peson probably only wrote tha damn message cause he wanted people like on this comment box to beleave there is a guy out there who can be a 'kira'....don't get me wrong though if this guy is as twisted extremely intelligent can commen a murder without leving a trace then he could become a kira killing people all around tha world but u would need a massive nation of followers who beleave tha same thing to do dthe chances of that are HIGHLY unlikely....
aka:nejisgirl4ever <3
if you're going to post
if you're going to post stuff like that to bring other people down i suggest you dont. But you do have a slight...hence the word slight paoint.
Now, now, SL, lets be reasonable.
J was merely establishing what we ourselves have already stated, albeit in an obnoxious tone.
I think what J is trying to say is that the Belgium 'Kira' is an attention seeker, that they want to be in the media.
Well, that's what the first sentence meant, anyway.
I got dizzy when I tried to read the rest, but I think J was relating this murder to what happened in the manga, as though no one else ever made that connection.
Still, it was a cute post, I thought, rather like a puppy chewing on your finger. It's annoying, but it doesn't hurt. You can't kick the puppy away, because it does not know that it's bothering you, and it doesn't know any better at all, really. Precious, in a pathetic sort of way.
I would like to stress that I disapprove of the "it's a real Kira" theory, if I haven't made that clear already.
It is one of the things that we can safely assume at this point: they are arrogant, attention-hungry, clever, and they have no supernatural powers.
The body was likely that of a homeless man.
Hm you bring up a good
Hm you bring up a good argument. Don't though the supernatural option away like it's worth nothing. You probably don't believe the supernatural but don't though it away. And with J. I have had so many people trying to bring us down and I have said over again that it's pointless. But J did have a point with the attention. That theory had not been descarded, and same with all the others. Well I hope we can solve this soon.
Ja Ne
PS: feel free to disagree with me, I am open minded.
I am a very superstitious
I am a very superstitious person, but I'm just saying that if you had to kill someone, and you could either wish them dead or stab them to death, wishing them dead would be a much better solution to your problem. If the person could wish other people dead, they would have to be complete fools to approach the body after they've already killed them.
While I respect your opinion, I do disagree.
This isn't a book, and this isn't a T.V. show, and when I asked my little cousins what they thought about it, they said something to the effect of what I have been saying, even though they're like 8-years-old and still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.
Since there was no evidence, and they only killed once, they're going to get away with it and never ever do it again. They don't want to kill mass amounts of people, they want attention and they want to win and they got both, so they are satisfied.
Unless they kill again, there will be absolutely no way to judge them by their killing pattern, their intentions, or their country of residency, since it may have been a foreigner visiting Belgium.
That is exactly why the victim could have been a homeless man.
A homeless man would not be missed by co-workers, would not be traceable through medical records, and would not have the full ability to fight back if under the influence of some drug, or weakened by one of the many ailments that poverty brings forth.
My theory is this: The killer was most likely a male. He has a superiority-complex the size of a pregnant whale, and thought one day, "hey, I can outsmart the police. I could get away with murder, and then I'll have my story all over the newspaper, and no one will know it was me," so he did just that. But who to kill? Certainly he couldn't do it to the man with a family, because when the man did not return that evening, he would become a missing person, and when the body was found, it would be matched to him. He definitely couldn't do it to a man in a nice suit for the same reason. If his business notices his absence, he would be searched for. The burly vendor on the street probably had no family, and wouldn't be missed by co-workers, but he could probably beat the living crap out of our 'Kira' with his eyes closed. No women and children. Kira is a cruel attention-whore, but not that cruel. So that leaves a homeless man. A homeless man is not a threat in any way, unless he's got a shank hidden somewhere in his ragamuffin clothing. Yes, the homeless man. While he's at it, why not cut him up and make it look like he killed more people than he actually did? People would be much more fearful if they think it was going to become something bigger. The media will go nuts over the mysterious killer and his equally mysterious victims. But lets give them one more thing to play with. Murders happen all of the time, after all, but rarely is a note left next to a victim, except in extreme cases, because most killers are sly enough to know not to taunt the police. They won't know that this homeless man did nothing wrong, so let's pretend he did. He'll say he's Kira, a criminal-oriented Robin Hood with a harsh mind and a skewed view of justice. He'll call himself Kira for a day, almost as a claim that he's taking out society's trash, and then drop the alias as fast as he took it on, having been satisfied by his successful Houdini act in and out of his temporary role as a criminal. He doesn't want to murder anyone, but he wanted everyone, including himself, to know that he can, and will. He will most likely not be killing anyone again.
SL, you may disagree with me as I disagreed with you, as I am quite opinionated, I know.
I apologize for not really giving you any chances to prove yourself, but I'm convinced that at least half of what I wrote is dead-on.
Seriously, look at it realistically.
The killer has likely deactivated their danger-mode, and will not be killing anyone.
I'm not justifying what they did by saying that they only did it once, I am merely saying that there are things out there that are more important.
He's just another one of those one-time murderers, except this one went to the trouble of leaving a little note to keep us interested.
You could be right but there
You could be right but there is some information that's been kep quiet that is why I have my own theories myself. Your theary is a very down to eart, and natural one and it may be right. Also it may not be. I'm not doing so well so I may not be posting for a while. I'm dealing with alot of problems right now and I'm also working on something else. -Related to the case- that might keep me away from this. I will check in though. That you for your opion akward child. Every one in intitles to their own opinion.
Ja Ne