
Welcome to project ComiPress, your source for international manga news and information.

Comments/suggestions are welcome. If you would like to help us, feel free to contact me.

About ComiPress

ComiPress provides international (U.S., Japan, China, etc.) manga news and informations. Below are projects of ComiPress:

Backstage: Provides information on anime and manga websites.

Manga Magazine Guide: Provides information on Japanese Anthologies such as publisher, website, serializations, release dates, etc.

Publisher Guide: Provides information on both Japanese and US Publishers, currently under construction.

Release Calendars: Provides release dates of manga in both US and Japan, currently under construction.

Sales Charts: Provides information on top selling manga in both US and Japan, currently under construction.

Serialization Bulletin: Provides serialization information on series running in Japanese Anthologies, new series starting, series ending, etc. Currently under construction.

How to Submit News

Want to submit news? It's easy! Just click the submit news button near the top of the page, create an account, and submit away! The news will be posted after it has been approved by one of the editors.
