Good News: Achieves Diplomatic SuccessIranians and Israelis, Americans, Russians and Chinese, Europeans and Africans Gather to Say a "Good Word" Hod Hasharon. Israel, February 25, 2008. BuzziNews is the world's first and only online journal reporting exclusively in cartoons. Cartoonists come together from around the world and communicate their positive message to a global audience. The portal has been online for 3 months and has already attracted world-renowned illustrators from 18 countries who have sent in their cartoons. A "Good Word" on George Bush, world peace, Charlie Chaplin, Jerusalem, MySpace, Greenpeace, cell phones, Elvis, and even Ahmadinejad – these are only some of the topics chosen by cartoonists. Additionally, you can learn on the site why crime doesn’t pay, how we should save the rain forests, and some great ideas for a more positive use of tanks. The portal has already been visited by surfers from 89 countries and approximately 620 cities worldwide, who were invited to get a first glimpse of the positive cartoons and comics. The cartoons already on the site originate from China, Singapore, Poland, Uzbekistan, Belgium, Cameroon, USA, Iran, Israel, Cuba, Romania, Macedonia, Russia, Greece, Thailand, Bulgaria, Brazil, Australia ... and the list just keeps getting longer. Marcin Bondarowicz, Polish cartoonist, illustrator and member of the BuzziNews community, said: "In my work humor is not an end in itself but rather a way of drawing attention to the issue in an enticing way. So it has been to my extreme pleasure to have discovered the "Good Word" competition organized by BuzziNews." BuzziNews established a panel of 4 judges who were chosen from a variety of backgrounds, with diverse experience and artistic style. The Judges are Kumar Pran, renowned veteran cartoonist from India, Chris Murman, reviewer and features editor at from Texas, Mr. Marko Ajdaric, editor of Neorama dos Quadrinhos, the widest 9th art newsletter in the world, and LA area artist, creator of "Chicken Boy", Stuart Rapeport. "As a cartoonist my work tends to be sarcastic and negative, so participating in an event focusing on the positive seemed like a challenge," says Stuart Rapeport, a "Good Word" competition judge. "Doing something meaningful, hard-edge and positive all at the same time, that's a good idea." The winner, chosen by online voting and a panel of judges, will receive a cash prize and professional public relations services to promote himself and his works. About BuzziNews |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |