Del Rey Manga Announces New Manga and Novels at NYAF07Del Rey Manga has announced several new licenses at this year's NYAF07: Manga:
Light Novel:
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |
Papillion is a french name,
Papillion is a french name, also a city and now a manga! Incredible.
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hi im a big fan
hi my name is ashley bettini. i going from jr high to highschool and i love anime. my favorite animes is tsubasa resevoir chronicles and XXX Holic. i love many other animes but those two are my top ones. im a big fan of tsubasa chronicles i have the dvds and i read all the mangas. it would be really nice if u send me a picture with a signature on it please. it would also be nice if i were in the anime of tsubasa and i was the little sister of kurogane. i write my own stories with your anime but i havent publish it yet so dont worry im not copping your fantastic work. i love writing and drawing anime and i want to be like what you guys do right now. im working on an english project and i need an address of you guys so when i type it i can sent it to you and maybe you sent it back. So please may i have your address for my english project
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