YuriRegistration for Yuricon's 2007 "Yurisai" Event is is now open to public. The 2006 ANF Yaoi/Yuri Awards is open for nominations, 3 votes can be submitted to each categories, the categories are: ALC Publishing, the world's only publisher of 100% yuri will be premiering yuri manga anthology, "Yuri Monogatari 4," at the world's largest comic market, Comiket in Tokyo on December 31, in West Hall, Row "Yo" Table 37a. This is ALC Publishing's fifth appearance at Comiket - the only American manga publishing company to have a table at this event. ALC Publishing, the world's only 100% yuri publisher is proud to present their fourth yuri manga anthology, "Yuri Monogatari 4," available now online at the Yuricon shop and for pre-order on Amazon.com. (LOS ANGELES, October 24, 2006) – Seven Seas Entertainment announced today the launch of North America's first ever "Yuri" line. Yuri is a genre of Japanese manga that focuses on girl-girl romantic relationships and is a category that has been all but overlooked by American manga publishers until now. Seven Seas will dub its new Yuri line of licensed manga: "STRAWBERRY."
ALC Publishing, publisher OF 100% Yuri,is pleased to announce the appearance of four-time "Yuri Monogatari" contributor Althea Keaton at MangaNEXT 2006, the first celebration of American "manga culture." Althea Keaton will be available for book signing, panels and will be conducting a workshop on drawing yuri for artists 18 and over. MangaNEXT will be held October 6-8, 2006 in Secaucus, NJ. For more information on MangaNEXT, please visit their website at http://www.manganext.org |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |