Announcing "Prospero's Manga" Review SiteProspero's Manga ( offers reviews of U.S. releases of manga from all publishers, irrespective of their subject or rating. The reviews are based on the expectations of long-term fans of all graphic novels. After six months in preview, there are already over 100 live reviews on the blog. Manga in all its flavors has exploded onto the publishing scene, fueled by anime and a flood of newly translated manga from major publishers such as Tokyopop, Viz and Del Rey Manga. Most of this market has been aimed squarely at high school and middle school readers. Prospero's Manga offers a different, perhaps older viewpoint on manga, intended for those who may have been reading manga long before the current manga boom. These readers have already seen all of the stereotypes before, may be long-term fans of American comics who are curious about manga, or may just be the parents of new manga readers who are struggling to understand these foreign funny-books. Reviews are posted Tuesday and Thursday nights with questions and discussion are welcomed. Titles are ranked from one to five stars, including half-stars. There is also a sidebar index of past reviews that includes by the rating received. Billy and Carla Aguiar are the two reviewers. Bill Aguiar is currently the monthly manga columnist for the Comic Buyer's Guide and a manga reviewer for Newtype USA and CBG Online. Together they have been involved in the role-playing game industry for over ten years, and other creative services such as freelance writing and graphic design. Visit us at, or email, or contact us at: The Cabil |
Manga Zombie
Finale: Panelosophy
An ongoing conversation about the philosophy behind manga both in the U.S. and abroad. Manga Ranking
Monthly charts of comparative manga rankings based on aggregate online sales listings from Matt Blind. |