
MangaBlog interviews Tokyopop's Web Community Content Producer, Matt Nixon, on TP's recent relaunch of its website.

SignOnSanDiego interviews "Lone Wolf and Cub" mangaka Kazuo Koike.

Love Manga takes a look at BL publisher Iris Print and the global BL scene, and interviews Tina Anderson and Caroline Monaco.


ANN interveiws Adam Arnold and Jason DeAngelis of Seven Seas Entertainment.

From ActiveAnime comes an interview with Izumi Kawachi, mangaka of Enchanter, which is currently being released by Digital Manga Publishing.

The Comics Journal interviews Del Rey's Dallas Middaugh.

From Love Manga comes an interview with artists Sonia Leong and Emma Vieceli from the U.K. manga group Sweatdrop Studios.

The Smoke presents an interview with U.K. manga artist Emma Vieceli, a member of Sweatdrop Studio.

From ANN comes an interview with popular Asian singer HYDE (Fullmetal Alchemist, Blood+, NANA, etc.).